
Saturday, December 15, 2012


Small Rosemary

Some of you may remember when I planted this Rosemary.  It was early Summer and I thought it might be nice to have right by the front door. This is what it looked like when I planted it then.  I had the not so great idea to put the other flowers around the base.  I had visions of them cascading down the sides and for a while they did.  Well now...
Large Rosemary

 looks like this!  Flowers are long gone but that's OK, I enjoyed them while they were there and now we have a large, healthy Rosemary that seems to be thriving.  It's a great plant, very aromatic, drought tolerant, and a nice place to snip some of the herb for use in cooking. It's delish with potatoes roasted in the oven, one of my favorites!  Anyone else have any favorite uses for Rosemary?  I"m going to have a lot of it.


  1. if i've said it once, i've said it a million times - every single herb on the planet makes a delicious tea! and rosemary tea is one of the oldest medicinal teas in history. here is a link for more info:

    with that being said - that is one gorgeous rosemary plant! now go make some tea!

    your friend,

    1. I've never known about rosemary tea. Awesome! Thank you, I'll have to make some and I'll blog about it!

  2. Much healthier looking than my sad rosemary which seems to be dying!

    1. Rosemary is a fickle 'lady', ha. We've tried some before over the years, sometimes it's a hit and sometimes it's a miss. This one seems great where it's at, so we'll leave it alone. You'll get it, just try some in a container on your deck, you can move it around. I've found too much water can be bad for it. They like dry. At least this one does, ha.

  3. I haven't tried growing rosemary & this may be something I'd like to try in a pot on the patio as you have done. Thanks for sharing. We are getting much needed rain.

    1. A pot is great because you can move it around until you find the spot it's happiest! Glad you are getting rain, it's been raining all day here too, yay!!

  4. Here in the Houston area they can become a very large bush, I'd like to plant a hedge of them one day. Rosemary is antiseptic so you can use it for herbal washes. Brew a strong tea or let it steep in vodka. It's also good to add to steaming water in a bowl, put your head over it with a towel to clear congestion.

    1. Oooh, a rosemary hedge would smell amazing huh? Hmmm, makes me want to run them along a fence line. How neat would that be? You've got me to thinking now (and that can be dangerous, lol). I'm going to have to dig out my herbal books. Thanks for the info.

  5. Oh, I forgot, how about rosemary bread? I have a friend that made rosemary mead too.

    1. yes, 2nd Man made some rosemary focaccia once and it was delish. I think a loaf of bread with some added would be nice as well. :-)

  6. OH yum...I brought my rosemary in form the garden and it's looking a little pitiful. But--it's still alive! lol

    I love those rosemary roasted Hungarian potatoes of my favorite dishes. I also like to put rosemary in my seafood chosders. I did it once--fell in love with the taste--and have done it ever since. lol I've also used it in bread. And I just love the smell of it...
    Happy Holidays, youse guys!

    1. Well, first of all, thank you and happy holidays to you too! Rosemary just smells wonderful doesn't it? I never thought about it in chowder, great idea.

      Thank you!!!

  7. I love rosemary. Rosemary focaccia is wonderful too. I just like to run my hand on it as I walk past it and enjoy the fragrance on my skin, ha. Janie.

    1. Ha, great minds. Yes, rosemary focaccia is great. I hear ya about the fragrance, I do that when I pass them anywhere, even in the garden center. I just touch it and enjoy the fresh smell for a bit. :-)

  8. Replies
    1. Thanks. It's a great and versatile herb and pretty hardy too.

  9. You can strip the stems, leaving a little tuft of green at the top and use the stems as skewers for lamb or fish or ground beef and cook on the BBQ. They add a lovely flavour. You should soak them first as you would with bamboo skewers. Also a few sprigs tied together make a great basting brush to use with oils and marinades when cooking. Best bit? No washing up - just throw it out when done!

    1. OOOH nice idea there too. and these are long enough for that. I like thinking outside the box like that. Of course we don't have a grill out there yet, but I can cut some and bring back into town, ha. It's the ultimate in repurposing huh? Ha. Thanks for the great tip!

  10. I LOVE rosemary! I use it in my marinated home made goat milk feta cheese. Also in my soaps I make. I grind up fresh rosemary and add it at trace. Nice exfoliating properties. And smells fantastic too. I love cooking with it as well. But those are my 2 favorite things to do with rosemary.

    1. Forgot to say that your plant looks very healthy and big. I bet you have used a lot of it so far. You can never have enough, right?

    2. Gosh, how i love feta cheese. Made my stomach growl when I read your comment, ha. Soap with it would be nice, I'll have to check that out. Not that I can make soap (however that's on my someday list, ha), but I'd love to wash up with some rosemary soap.

      Yes this one is doing very well, all I'm doing is rotating it so it grows evenly. I think it's in a good spot so I'll leave it alone, ha.

  11. You need to get one of those "Head" planters---your Rosemary would make a fine head of hair for it!

    1. LOL that would be funny. It would be sort of crazy hair huh? ;-)

  12. add 2 T finely minced to your next batch of shortbread cookies. i know it sounds odd, but these were very popular with the Victorians and are YUMMY

  13. Rosemary does not thrive indoors. I have 3 plants at the south end of my house which do very well. But every year I buy one trimmed into the shape of a Christmas tree, decorate it with tiny balls and it sits on my kitchen island.

    I like to use it in hummus, roasted chicken and fish.

    1. Oh it's so good on chicken. And I adore hummus. I love your idea of the indoor Christmas tree in the kitchen. Then just snip and use! Great!!

  14. Here is a recipe for rosemary shortbread coolies It sounds a little odd, but the mix of sweet and aromatic is wonderful. Here is the link:

    1. Thank you for the link. It does sound odd but I bet it is an amazing mix of flavors. I'm all for trying something new, thank you!!!


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