
Friday, December 14, 2012


Our thoughts and prayers are with everyone involved in the terrible, unfolding tragedy in Connecticut.

"Weeping is not the same thing as crying. It takes your whole body to weep, and when it`s over, you feel like you don't have any bones left to hold you up.” - Author Sarah Ockler

And tonight, our nation weeps...


  1. Totally agree, I am weeping for all those affected, including myself.

    1. I have shed a tear or two today. Watched our President cry and shed another tear. Just such a horrendous event.

  2. Thank you for posting this. I live in Connecticut and even though I don't personally know anyone involved, I weep for my fellow neighbors.

  3. Replies
    1. Thank you. I have always loved this quote, heard it a while back and thought it was appropriate.

  4. Thanks for lighting the candle, thoughts and prayers to all those involved.

  5. i don't even be able to be capable of words. i just can't imagine the pain felt by those involved. i can't stop crying.

    i don't even watch the news????

    i am so sorry. so sorry.

    1. I hear you. I'll have to admit to being a bit of a news junkie but even I can't watch too much, it's just so emotionally overwhelming at times. Thanks for the thoughts.

  6. Senseless tragedy.
    I had to turn the news off...couldn't do it any more.
    Peace and love tonight.

    1. I totally hear you. 2nd Man said he just couldn't watch the news coverage it was just too sad and draining. Even the news anchors seem overwhelmed at the enormity of the tragedy.

  7. I thought I cried all the tears I could today, but then I read your quote and teared up again. It is perfect.

    1. Thank you. I teared up when I was typing the post.

  8. The song Where Have All the Flowers Gone is more pertinent today then when it was written in the 60's - "When will we ever learn?". How many innocent children & adults have to be killed by legal assualt weapons before our right to live is more important than the right of people to possess weapons that have no other purpose than to kill dozens of people in a minute? I live near the mall in Portland where a shooting took place this week so todays' tradgedy was an especially sickening event to wake up to. I cannot imagine what the families are having to face. Please let all those innocent babies lives be the catalist to America changing the gun law so the rest of us can have the right to feel safe from killers at the movies, the mall or a grade school. Thank you for your beautiful quote and remembering all those senselessly lost today.

    1. Thank you for posting this comment. My thoughts with you there in Portland too. It's such a sad story. And yes, maybe we'll have some change. If anything good can come out of it, maybe that will be.

  9. I just can't stop thinking about it ... I have tears each time. I wish I can hug at least one of those poor kids. The scared they might have now. So many lives broken.

    1. Yes, my mind drifts to what it must have been like in those classrooms and my heart cries all over again. Sad beyond words.


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