
Saturday, March 2, 2013


Busy weekend.  The plumber is coming, finally, to help us out with some connections and most importantly, we get a new water heater!

Water Heater
We've needed one for months.  We finally just turned the old one off since we haven't been spending the night at the farm.  It's amazing how you can't do much without hot water.  It was harder to clean, certainly couldn't take a shower (that well water is c-o-l-d), and you can't really cook or wash dishes without it either.  Needless to say, we're pretty excited to have a new one.  We went out last night after work and picked it up.  The plumber is also hooking up our new utility sink in the mudroom to the septic tank.  I could do the faucet myself of course, but I'll leave the septic tank work to the professional.  He can just do it all at once.

The other project today (well, semi major project among other small little ones) is to get these light kits on the three ceiling fans we have up, one in each bedroom and then one in the living room.

I was out the other night to move the Big Green Zen Machine to the driveway so they could come pick it up (it's time for it's "pre-Spring" maintenance checkup and they were running a free pick up and delivery promotion).  Anyway, I didn't realize until then how dark it is in two areas of the house.  We have some table lamps but it's nice to have the overhead light when needed, so I'll be doing those today.

Also found a really neat pale yellow end table (pictures coming soon) the other day at lunch and so I'm going to use that one piece to rearrange a few things elsewhere in the house.  That will save me from having to buy other things for the house by using just this one piece.  I'll post later about how that worked.  

The other original plan this weekend was to also have the garden bed soil delivered but alas, they are so busy, they couldn't get it delivered to us this weekend.  We have to wait until next Saturday, ugh.  That sucks, but the up side is that because they couldn't get to us this weekend, we're getting a free delivery.  I can live with that.

To top it off, we're cold again, and will have another freeze this weekend. We're not as cold as those of you in other parts of the country, but a freeze is a freeze.  I'm actually glad I don't have the soil because I couldn't have put seedlings in the ground just yet without protecting them of course and I wasn't ready for that.  If all goes according to plan NEXT weekend, I will have the dirt delivered, fill the beds, and then start planting, giving me one more week to plan what goes where.

There are other plans for this weekend, let's hope we can make most of them happen.  Hope your weekend is successful and I'll be sure to have an update (with pictures) later tonight or tomorrow.


  1. LOL..a freeze is INDEED a freeze. We keep sashaying back and forth between spring like temps and bitter cold. And snow. No danger here of putting any garden out. lol

    I got my treasure, btw. I LOVE it. Thank you so much !

    I loved the part about the water heater--little things do mean a lot, and isn't it funny how our perspective about things of value changes?

    Can't wait to see the yellow table. Stay warm !!

  2. I love that you give us pictures with your updates! I can't wait to see the yellow table either! Virtual hugs to you guys!!!

  3. Did you get the pictures I sent you of the crap around here?? Now THAT is cold!! And there's more on the way tomorrow!!


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