
Wednesday, March 13, 2013


No, not our chickens, sadly we don't have any of those yet.  Can't do that until we are out there on a more regular basis.  Fortunately though, we can live vicariously through 2nd Family's chickens.  Theirs had stopped laying, as hens often do in the 'off season', but now they are back to producing and when I was out there Saturday, they surprised us with two dozen fresh eggs gathered in the last week.

I got to use our new ceramic holders and I think the fresh eggs, especially the ones in that beautiful pale green, look so beautiful against the white ceramic.

Almost too good to eat!  No, not really, they will definitely be eaten.  There is nothing better than fresh eggs, or "real eggs" as we often call them, ha.  Fresh eggs are to store bought eggs like garden fresh tomatoes are to store bought tomatoes:  No comparison!


  1. I too plan to get some chickens for my little farm-to-be. :) I'm hoping I'll be able to build the chicken coop this spring and start then. I'm so looking forward to fresh eggs! One thing I remember from my childhood is having fresh duck eggs. I can't recall exactly how they tasted, or how the taste differed from chicken eggs, but I do remember loving them! I definitely want to get some muscovy ducks for eggs as well when my chicken flock is established. I'm trying to decide also if I want to raise chickens and ducks for meat and not just for eggs, but I'm not sure I have it in me to slaughter the birds!

    1. Yay for you!! Haven't had a duck egg yet, but they have a couple of ducks as well. For some reason the chickens started laying and the ducks stopped. They don't raise theirs for meat, they don't have it in them either. They tried it once and just didn't really want to do it again. They enjoy the eggs and that's reward enough. We'll be the same way. I want chickens and want them to be egg layers and that's all.

      Can't wait to hear how it goes for you!

  2. My great-uncle used to have chickens that produced those pale green eggs. They are beautiful. How lucky you are to have a neighbor passing them on to you!

    1. Aren't they lovely? It's like laying Easter eggs, ha. The first time I saw them I didn't believe it, I thought they colored them. It would be cool if there were other colors wouldn't it?

      And there is definitely no comparison in taste. We are very lucky to have them as neighbors, they are pretty awesome (even without the eggs, LOL).

  3. haha..i put up almost the same post today!

  4. Yee ha! There's some nice Ameracauna eggs in there!

  5. You are so right about 'real' eggs, there's just no comparison between fresh and shop bought.
    Our hens have started laying again too so we're getting quite a few golden eggs, at least enough for us and plenty to give away.
    We dont raise our hens for human consumption however should one die for whatever reason it usually gets eaten by our Eagle Owls (as long as it didn't die from illness)

  6. For the first time in over a year we now have a GLUT of eggs daily.......

  7. ok, as a chicken-mama-wannabe, I guess I should have known about the "off season". Good to know. I'll have to Google that! I just noticed that you have a lot of "farm" followers 1st man. Lot's of great resources for when I too become a full fledged chicken mama. Btw... I watched a video recently about a woman who's neighbors brought her their chickens to kill and pluck; I won't be able to do it either. Plucking I can handle, killing... not so much! :) Lovin' the ceramic egg-holders! Have a great day you guys!!!

  8. We are building the coup right now! We cannot wait for fresh eggs :) Love your blog, thanks for sharing!


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