
Thursday, March 14, 2013


Garden Gazebo, photo courtesy of Harmon Hill Farm
I'm not sure why, but I've always wanted a gazebo.  Maybe it's the fact that they can be used for just about anything, a place to eat, a place to sleep a place for a celebration.

But so often you see a gazebo just sitting in the middle of a yard or open space.  I love the thought of putting one in the middle of flowers and trees like this one is.  I'm not sure we'll have a gazebo anytime soon, but someday, as with most of the things that inspire me, we'll do something similar and I'll look back on these pictures and go "oh yeah, I want to do that!".

Enjoy your day!

Be Inspired


  1. My mother always wanted a gazebo (never got one). I liked them too. One day a friend who builds mega-mansions for gazillionaires came over and said one of his clients was removing a gazebo from his property and said he could have it. Our friend didn't have a place for it, so asked us if we'd like to have it. He even installed it for us. Such a deal! We've had many meals and afternoon tea parties in it. You should definitely get one.

  2. ME TOO! I always wanted one that was big enough for a swing or glider. And a chaise to I could while away the day reading. Ooohhh maybe with an old fashioned looking fan (solar powered) for those really, really hot days. siiiggghhh...

  3. we built ours out of old locust trunks and branches and it is sort of returning to nature so i need to replace it with something that will last longer. i love having morning coffee in ours.

  4. Gosh, I like this one set in the garden better than standing alone... looks so much sweeter!

  5. I would love to have one of these for morning breakfast and able to listen to the birds and see the quail feeding. Thanks for sharing.

  6. Can you just imagine how relaxing it would be to have a space like that?

  7. wow, I can SO see this on your property with beautiful flower beds around it!

  8. we had one in the city - we put our portable hot tub in it...

    nuff said!! ;-))


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