
Friday, April 12, 2013


Texas wildflowers
The wildflowers that Texas is known for in the Spring are very slow to come in this year.  Not sure why.  Mild Winter or dry Winter?  Wet Fall?  Actually, late cool weather is the most likely culprit but no one knows for sure, they are fickle flowers.  Still, I enjoy the ones that do come up, they are always a pleasant  Spring surprise.

Here are a few photos I snapped to share.  I'll try to get some more pictures this weekend.  Love the purple and yellow ones.  Below, these are very pretty too.  They look like Lilies of some sort?  They are just growing wild on the side of the road by the house.  Do you think it's some sort of lily?  Should I dig up some of the bulbs and scatter them around the farm for future growing?

Texas wildflowers


  1. The bottom photo is crinum, better known as swamp lillies. I would not try to dig them up unless they are very small clumps, the tuberous bulb (if one can call it that) is often huge like a basketball. They like swampy or wet areas so low lying places and ditches are really good. They will repeatedly bloom when they get plenty of rain. The clumps will expand over time. They produce things that look like big seed pods but I have yet to get one to grow into anything.

    1. Wow, thank you, I had no idea. There is no swampy area, now anyway, on the property. These in the photo are growing in a ditch, so I guess that's why they are growing there. They are pretty, sure would be nice if they would be replicated, ha. Thank you very much for the info.

  2. Its interesting to see your Spring wildflowers. Ours here are only just starting to get their act together and show themselves!
    It looks sunny - today was one of our first sunny days in a fair few months.

    1. Isn't a sunny day so nice after months of gray and drab? And spring flowers are so nice. I'll have some more pictures soon. Thanks for stopping in!!

  3. The Buttercups are blooming,spring has sprung!!!!YAH!

    1. What's up buttercup? :-) Yes, Spring has sprung here for sure!!!

  4. A year or three late to this but---your county extension agent should be able to give you free packets of bluebonnets. At least they used to as part of Lady Bird's Beautify Texas program

    1. Thank you for this! No worries about being late, hey, we're still (albeit slowly) getting there. We have plans this season to finally make it to the Lady Bird Johnson wildflower center, I understand it's incredible. Thanks again, and don't be a stranger!!!


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