
Saturday, April 13, 2013


WOW!  Some how, some way, the pages on this blog have now been visited over 1,000,000 times in just about two years.

I get people who email me and ask me how I do it?  How do I get so many hits/page views?  To be honest, I am not really sure.  When I originally set up the blog, I did all the things you're supposed to do to get visible in search engines.  I make my photos searchable.  I use all the right 'tags' and whatever else it is that they suggest.  I did all that so people could find us and all I can really do is hope that people find us and come back because I post things that they find interesting or maybe just want to watch the journey, slow as it may be at times.  I don't always get a lot of comments but many people email me directly and tell me they enjoy reading and really, that's all I can hope for.

So I guess I'll just keep doing what I'm doing and just say:

I really don't now how else to thank you all for everything.  Just know that whatever has brought you here to visit, we appreciate it more than you could possibly know.  We head off to the farm today with smiles on our faces.  Meeting the fence contractor today to finalize plans, I need to mow, bringing some more things to plant, and just enjoying the day.

Please come back soon!


  1. I think it is so because you are just plain NICE!

  2. wow...this sure is impressive! keep it up!

  3. SHOW OFF!!

    LOL, just kidding with you. Congratulations, you deserve every one of those page views.

    1. Ha, luv ya Granny! Thank you and you know, I'll always have you to thank for giving me a jump start. Big hugs to you!

  4. Congratulations! I certainly do enjoy your blog.

  5. Congratulations! I am happy to contribute to that number. I love your blog! I don't comment all the time, but I do read every post.

    1. you're the same as me, I read every blog in my list every time there is a new post but I don't always have a chance to comment. Thanks again!!

  6. It's because you are so fascinating and interesting! You do need some goats though...that would make your life perfect. hee hee

    1. I wish I could have some of your kind there. Someday perhaps! Until then, I'll have to live vicariously through your adventures. :-)

  7. You have a great blog and so much fun to read.

    1. You're too kind , I appreciate it, I really do.

  8. It's your winning personality and ability of including everyone as well as the willingness to laugh at yourself. The mouse story will live in my memory long after most of my own stories have been forgotten.

  9. How fantastic! Congratulations!!!

    1. I'm not sure how, ha. But thank you. You are one of our earliest followers too. Thank you!!!

  10. I always get the biggest kick when a fellow blogger hits a milestone like this and is so excited! YAY!

    It's amazing isn't it? But your blog is so much fun and y'all are so likeable I can't imagine it will take two years to hit your next million. Two months maybe. . .



Please leave us a comment! I have some comment moderation on and of course will approve your comment relatively quickly. We love feedback and hearing what others have to share with us all. Please know that I can't always reply to it right away, but ALL comments are read. I will reply just as soon as I can so be sure to come back and see my reply.

Now, let us hear from you!