
Sunday, April 14, 2013


Save Kitchen Waste for Pigs, image courtesy of the UK Historical Archives Imperial Museum
Here is a fun one.  A few months back, I had ANOTHER POSTER up that was similar to this one.  It dates to WWII, the 1940's of course, and comes to us from the UK. And once again, it was asking people to save their kitchen waste to feed the pigs (and poultry as well).

I like how the pigs are happy and thankful...if they only knew why, LOL.

Apparently, people could get a pail or bucket from the Council and just put their waste in there and it would be picked up once a week.  Of course, it was for food waste only, as it says on the poster, keeping it dry and free of glass, metal, bones and paper.  It was for food waste, not trash.

Hope you are having a great weekend!
Weekend update later tonight!


  1. Love this one... you need to do a poster book!

    1. Ha, I have found quite a few. Maybe I need to start pinning them (can you pin your own stuff on pinterest?).

      Thanks as always!!

  2. Being a previous pig owner...I love this one

  3. I grew up in the UK in the 50s and 60s and the 'Pig Swill Man' came once a week with his horse and cart and emptied our 5 gallon drum of kitchen scraps to take for his pigs. Forward to Canada 45 years later and we have a fancy green compost bin from the city to put the same stuff in for the city to make compost for their own use (and we get to pay for that privilege).

    1. My how times change (but sometimes the more they change the more they stay the same huh?). That's fascinating bit of history from a personal story, thank you very much for sharing!!


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