
Thursday, May 23, 2013


Red bistro set image courtesy of
Something I've always wanted is a bistro set.  I know we'll have a picnic table, and some other table and chair sets at the farm, eventually of course, but I've always wanted a small set like these.  It just seems like a nice spot, wherever you put them, to just sit, have a cup of tea (or coffee) or some biscuits and homemade jelly or jam.  It would be so relaxing.

I was always partial to a red set but I love this yellow.  I won't buy THESE of course, they are way too expensive.  But hey, with a cool bistro table and chair set and a can of spray paint, I could do wonders!

Be inspired!

Yellow bistro set, image courtesy of


  1. i love these too. i have a set in my lower gardens which need to be painted. i just can't decide on the color!

  2. 1st Man, Keep looking --- You never know what you might find on the side of the road on trash day --- or on craigslist for cheep -- even if it needs painting when you first find it. Good Luck. Love the fence and new garden beds. Wish I had the room for fruit trees.

    A gardening Friend

  3. We have one at one end of the deck. Great spot for breakfast or a lunch. I purchased mine from the grocery store many years ago. Mine is a nice green. It's aged well.

  4. Stinging insects are drawn to the color yellow. So, beware. I want to spray paint something yellow, but I have fear.

    I have a picnic table with the attached benches--8 feet long. However, I have a bistro set that I got free from the guy next door when he moved. I painted it pink. I also have two small tables beside benches. AND, I have two large round tables. I love company and at parties, people sit around the yard. I think it is nice to have multiple places to sit as I walk around by myself.

  5. When I was a kid they used to call them "ice cream sets"... I like them, too. Rustoleum! That's what you can use.

  6. Wow that yellow is SOME bright. And for me to say that....well..... :-D

    These are nice; I'll keep my eyes open.


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