
Tuesday, May 21, 2013


Forgot to blog about this one:
Last weekend let us get a few more things done to prepare for baking this Fall.  One of the things we needed to do was to get another bottle of our homemade vanilla extract started.  Click on the link above to see how to and other details. I ordered the beans, bought the vodka and put them together.

A nice big bottle of 'future vanilla extract'.  I turned the bottle around to show you how it's full of vanilla beans.  Now I'm just shaking it every few days, keeping it in a dark place and waiting until November.

For instructions on how to do this,




  1. ok, I am sure you have heard of TMI, well this is TLI - too little info, LOL, where did you order beans, hopefully there is a source that is cheaper than the one bean in a bottle at the grocery store. Did you split the beans or put in whole? How many beans to the bottle? Thanks in advance for more info.

    Take care and stay out of harm's way there in your area, see weather maps are including other states besides Oklahoma.

    1. Thank you for the well wishes....

      Click on the link in the post above, in the first section. I hyperlinked it. If you hover over the words "homemade vanilla extract" you'll see that it's clickable. It shows the original post where I did a batch and put a link there to where I buy them. It's an online place you can get great quality beans for a very reasonable price. I get nothing in return from them, they have just always been the freshest and most reasonable I've run across (I believe they even sell on eBay if that's easier as well).

      Thanks for asking, it reminded me to make it easier to find the original info on "how to". :-)

  2. I have one just like this steeping away in the back of the pie pantry!

    1. Yay! I have a coworker who saw outs and I bought beans for her at the same time I got mine and she has a bottle going as well.

  3. I need to do this now. I have put it off for two many years!

  4. How many vanilla beans I read the other post in the link but was not sure.

    1. Twenty is what I buy...but you can do it with ten beans. I slice them in half lengthwise. I figure it just makes a good strong vanilla extract. Good luck!!!

  5. Dear 1st Man,
    I like projects such as this but I have a question: Do you have to use alcohol as the base? I am presuming that vodka is used because it has no 'taste' as such but can you use water? Or do you use vodka because the end results won't go 'off' after a while?
    Bye for now

    1. I've never done it with water, and I don't think it would work. All extracts are alcohol (unless they are imitation). Vodka is used because it doesn't have taste. I would think water would just get yucky after a few days. Alcohol is used in extracts because it inhibits bacteria, mold etc. Remember the alcohol will also burn off in baking/cooking and just leaves the vanilla essence. :-)

    2. Thanks - I was wondering about that but your reply makes sense.
      . . . And to make it even more 'green' I have my grandmother's vodka recipe!

  6. i always make my own vanilla extract. i keep mine in a crystal skull bottle.

    1. Of course you'd have a fabulous bottle! I need to find a cool one for us to use too. I love that!!

  7. Replies
    1. Yay, another extract maker! Isn't it wonderful??

  8. This rocks! What a great way to gear up for fall baking. Love it.


    P.S. I am your new follower.

    1. Yep! It's funny, I was telling my boss about it at work and I brought the bottle because they all wanted to see it and he goes "that's great, but who uses that much vanilla?" I said "we do!" LOL!

      Yay and welcome to the blog. We appreciate everyone. It's like making a new friend!

  9. Hi...I'm a newbie to this as well. I have yet to find the link to where I can find what I need.

    Help....please :)

    Katy L

    1. Here, try this, cut and paste it into your browser:

      It's from last year when we made some and I put instructions. I've edited the post above as well. Thanks for asking and thanks for stopping by!!! :-)


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