
Sunday, May 5, 2013


Vintage Carpooling poster, WWII, image courtesy of US National Archive
Here is an unusual one.  It comes from early 1940's, during the war, and as most posters did, promoting conservation.  This one promoted carpooling in an effort to save gasoline which was needed for the war.

This is actually one that was illustrated by Dr. Seuss and then adapted by another artist into use for the poster.

Amazing how the war promoted so much conservation.  We could use a national effort like that today for all our resources.

Hope you are having a good weekend.  I'll have the giveaway results later today and an update on the weekend.

No farm today, but it's OK.  One of my dearest friends in the world is in town to visit from Thailand.  He moved there almost 10 years ago to teach English at a University.  He loves it, but we, of course, miss him here.

So today we are off to do some sightseeing and have some good seafood in Kemah at The Boardwalk.


  1. Hope the weather is nice for the visit. It's warmer in my neck of the woods...perhaps some rain but not likely. Thanks for sharing.

  2. Mowing. Weeding. Wishing it would rain. Quite a switch from "would the rain quit already!" that was last week. Sigh


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