
Monday, May 6, 2013


Nosey cows
I was going to get the post for today with the fence pictures and the garden pictures all ready to go last night, but I didn't get back from Kemah AND Galveston until later in the evening.

After all the work in the yard Saturday at the farm, then the walking Sunday, and the sunburn on top of it all, I was just tired and crashed and burned last night.  I took this picture of the nosey neighbor cows I saw Saturday, they hung out at the fence all afternoon watching me.  We ended up having quite the conversation with each other as I "played in the dirt".

SO tonight when I get home from work, I'll get the pictures all ready and tomorrow I'll show you the fence.  I took about 100 pictures, need to find the right ones to be able to put them all together into a cohesive story.

Hope you had a great weekend and got to play in the dirt too!


  1. Neighbours cows provide paddies - ideal for supplementing your soil with :)

    1. Oooh, good point. There is even some occasionally "left" near the fence.

  2. Replies
    1. They are curious creatures for sure. They can be on the other side of their pasture and when I'm out there they start wandering over toward the fence and stand there to eat and watch me.

  3. Well, right now, all there is outside is MUD! My garden is under water and part has even washed away. Right now, we are at 12" over whatever they call it. 12" ! I think that's enough for a long time, don't you think? It looks ike the rest of the country is dry and drought=like. And there is rain all week, the way the weather reporters are calling it.

    I love the cow pictures! Isn't it fun to have someone to talk to as you work away in the garden? I can't wait to see what you have been doing out there. I know you must be worn out.

    1. Hope the rain ends for you. And comes back of course, in moderation and not drought or monsoon.

      I find myself talking to the cows. As long as they don't answer back, I guess I'm still sane. :-)

  4. 1st Man,

    You could have played cow tipping, lol

    Great picture of the cows, love the comments attached.

    1. Ha, true! You know, I grew up in the city and never had to be tempted by that, LOL. I'm going to snap pictures of them every time I'm out there. :-)


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