
Sunday, June 23, 2013


Women's Land Army, vintage poster image courtesy of Imperial War Museum
I've posted a few of these and each time I find a new one, I love them even more.  These come from the UK and date from WWII.  

During the war, at a time when the military was men only, the women who were back home were asked to help out where they could.  This program enrolled women in an "Land Army" so that they could help out with the farming industry to keep food growing and harvested and, apparently keeping the cattle happy as well.  I really like the image on this poster.

Hope you are enjoying your weekend, it's hot and hotter here!


  1. My mother was a WAC during WWII in the US--Women's Army Corp. She was definitely not enrolling to feed cows. She left the farm in MS.

  2. Love it - great poster 1st Man.

    Sorry to contradict slightly, but many women signed up for the armed forces from the UK from 1941 and fought in Europe during WWII, especially with the French and Polish resistance, and more than 400,000 US women served during that war.

    Women had some limitations e.g they were not permitted to man big guns. Agree, many who stayed home with the mission 'to keep the home fires burning' worked on the land, covering the jobs that the many men who had gone to war would normally do, but many did very dangerous work in municion factories, drove ambulances during air raids, and manned the search lights over London and other major cities, so it wasn't all fun on the farm - though many tell of very happy summers doing just that. :)

    1. Now THAT is some great information. I didn't realize, of course, I should have known women will find a way , and that's awesome. Hope I didn't come across as thinking it was all fun ad farm life. Heck, I am learning just how hot and hard it can be and I'm only doing it part time, ha. Thanks for the info!!

  3. Hi, Love the posters...keep em coming. You might be interested to know that there are a couple of cinematic interpretations of the WLA in Britain. A 2009 series called Land Girls and a 1998 movie with the same name, The Land Girls, with Rachel Weisz. Netflix appears to have the series, but not the movie...

    1. I keep looking and keep finding them online in various places. I will have to look for that series and movie. We have a netflix account so that will make it easy. That would make for some fascinating watching. Thanks!

  4. The Women's Land Army posters from World War One are extremely striking in some instances. If you like these types of posers, and I see that you do, I'd highly recommend taking a look at them.


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