
Friday, June 21, 2013


Many regular readers will recognize the name above, it's one of our favorite stores.  We have purchased some of the furniture that we needed for the farmhouse at this place over the last couple of years. 

Recently, our local store, that knows us well, asked if we had some photos that their corporate office could use to highlight some farmhouse style furniture.

So we forwarded some pictures, and about a week later, we were sent the following link:

We were humbled that they wanted to use photos of our house for a posting on their company blog!  I'll have to admit, it's kind of wild to see pictures of your own home on a store's website but there it is.  They also wrote a very nice little article about us and gave us a shout out link back here to our blog.

Nadeau is a great furniture store with a really neat story of how, why and where they get their furniture.  Read all about it by clicking HERE.

Houston Nadeau store
And of course, if you live in the Houston TX area, please visit the local store:
2414 University Blvd, Houston, TX 77005  (713) 942-9310.

You can see their inventory by clicking HERE

David, the manager, and his employees are pretty awesome, if we do say so ourselves.  Tell 'em 1st and 2nd Man sent you!  (we get nothing in return, this is just a purely unsolicited testimonial)

We'll be there at some point this weekend, looking for a couple more pieces of furniture we can use.

AND...there are some other interesting things in the works that I'll share at a later date when and/or if they (hopefully) come up.

Suddenly, things are kind of exciting at Seda Bolsa!


  1. Much nicer than sitting upon Soiled Furniture!

    1. Or a poke in the eye with a sharp stick, ha.

  2. Love the pic with the dining table!

    1. Thank you....I realize i haven't posted many inside pics lately, I'll have to remedy that soon. Thanks!!

  3. OMG, you're FAMOUS! Will you still speak to the rest of us? LOL!

    I had a British company send me eighty bucks for one of my photos last year, it made me feel so important :-D

    1. $80???? Wow...if anyone is reading this from Britain, all of my pictures are for sale. Granny is my agent, ha.

      Hey, this might be my one and only brush with fame, so I'll take it, ha.

  4. 1st Man,

    Beautiful picture of your dinning room! Congratulations on being featured on the Nadeau store website.

    1. Thanks, I'll get some more pictures soon. Thank you for your kind words!

  5. What fun! The pictures look very professional. Your skill of decorating makes their furniture look great in your home. Nice job!

  6. Congrats - great compliment :) What I can see - your farmhouse looks stunning.

    1. It looks good inside, but the outside is in year 3 of our plan. Right now, what the outside looks like hides what the inside looks like, LOL. Thanks for the nice words!! Much appreciated!

  7. I think it's a little too far for me to travel. LOL. Very happy for you!!


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