
Saturday, August 3, 2013


Got to the farm and found this greeting us.  A large section of one of the mesquite trees in front of the house (NOT Barnabas), had collapsed and fallen across the yard.  No storm or high winds caused it though.

Mesquite trees grow oddly.  They have these long, meandering limbs and can have relatively thin branches.  As they get longer, there is more and more weight on the end  and they sometimes break at the joint of the limb and the trunk, usually the weakest point.  I'll have to cut it loose from the main trunk but don't have a chainsaw yet.

I'll have to work on it in the next few weekends, or if this heat doesn't let up, sometime in late September. We will definitely get some good mesquite logs out of it.  We don't have a fireplace but I do have a fire pit on my shortlist of projects and some mesquite wood burning this Fall might be nice on a cool evening.


  1. 1st Man,

    Mesquite trees are strange, it's like they have a mind of their own, lol.......

    Were picking up mesquite next week from NM to use for smoking on the grill.

    1. They do don't they?? They grow all weird and look like they defy the laws of physics (though this one DID succumb to gravity, lol). I forgot about using it for smoking and grilling. Will definitely have to stack some up to dry for future use.

  2. i wish a mesquite tree would fall in my yard! i love that wood!!!

    1. And down these parts, farmers usually hate the trees. Of course they are covered in thorns which makes them somewhat unappealing, ha. Might just need to figure out a way to 'share the wealth' as they say.

  3. Two words: Wood Chipper. Oh and three more: Find you one.

    Seriously. If you have to rent one for an afternoon it will be worth it because if you have a grill can you just imagine how great the chips [after they are dried out] will make your barbeque taste? Halleluiah!

    Oh, just do this for me. YUUUUUUMMMMMY.

    Oh, sorry got carried away. ::grin:: I am really glad, I am, that no damage was done to your property or to your folks.

    And if you ever get around to chipping that sucker up? My address is. . .::kidding:: But, um, I will pay postage?!


    1. That should say "YOU" folks [as in you and 2nd man] ooops. Told you I got carried away. hee

    2. You know, I had a thought a year ago to figure out a way to sell some of the wood as a means to get a bit of side income coming in. Never thought of a wood chipper to make things easier! That might mean that you'll be the first one to get some as a thank you. Can't promise when we'll get to that, it's way too hot now to think about that, ha, but when we do, I'll let you know! :-)

  4. That will be some good smelling firewood. Or maybe you could cut it into chunks for when you are grilling?


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