
Friday, September 13, 2013


Without further ado, we now present a new Friday Feature.
We shall call it


Brisane, apparently NOT ready for his closeup 
Oh, OK, we'll shorten it to Feline Friday next week, LOL.

Since I can't/don't want to use the comics anymore, we were doing some out loud thinking and realized we have hundreds (and hundreds) of photos of our cat menagerie through the years (yeah, we're those kind of pet people, ha).

I know not everyone is a cat person, but it is my hope that you'll get a smile out of it anyway.  Cat's do the silliest things sometimes!

Friday here!  More later this afternoon!


  1. this is funnier than most cartoons, good choice of alternatives. From a dyed in the wool (there is a pun there I think) dog person that loves cats.

    1. Ha, thanks. Hey, I'm a dyed in the wool (no pun intended, lol) cat person who loves dogs so it's all good. :-)

  2. I will look forward to feline fridays :)

  3. What a great idea, there's no end to the funny sayings we can attribute to our cats!

  4. Oh, you're as bad as I am with my dogs. I took the camera to bed with me last night, 'cause when I looked in at my sleeping pups, it was just too much cuteness!

    I agree, your "real" funnies are funnier.

    1. Thank you! Yes, I'm always running to get the camera. Of course half the time by the time I get back and set up to snap a pic, they roll over or get up or something. Are you like me, do you sometimes just stare at them while they sleep? I'm actually doing that now. The old one is laying next to me on his pillow just snoring away while I type this. I stop and and just stare at him sometimes. Then I'll reach over and pet him and he starts purring. Makes the day melt away. :-)

    2. I never tire of watching Otto sleep. He always sleeps with the tip of his tongue sticking out, and it's just so darned cute! Otto is also usually under something, whether it be a blanket, a pillow, or his doggie day bed on the floor. I even blogged about it here:

      Annie makes me laugh because she's such a snorer. She snores as loud as an old man. Believe me....I live with an old man, so I know!

  5. Im a cat person. :) Now tell me why the cat goes bat crazy when I open a can of progresso lentil soup!

    The other day I put some in his bowl so he'd leave me be. Damn, if he did not eat it.

    1. Really? Wow. I might have to buy some and see what happens, ha. Cats are odd eaters. We have three and one will eat just about anything 'people food' you give him and the other two aren't the least bit interested.

      P.S. Glad to see you back, hope the water is staying away from your area.


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