
Friday, September 13, 2013


I found this picture randomly online, with no information as to the original source but I just loved it when I saw it.  It reminds me of why we all garden (and/or want to garden).

Aren't vegetables amazing?

Hope to get to the farm this weekend for edging and cleaning up in the yard, since it's been so hot for weeks and it's supposed to be *possibly* cooler this weekend.  I'm guessing there won't be much more mowing this season, but there is quite a bit of edging to do.  I also need to start figuring out where the bounty from my plant crazy weekend is going to go.  Finally, I'm measuring the raised beds for an irrigation system that I'm going to order next week so I can get it set up once the cooler weather arrives.

Hope you have a great weekend doing whatever makes you happy.
Updates as they happen!


  1. Gorgeous images! Vegetables are so amazingly beautiful. I am enjoying every squash and every bean from my garden - individually :)
    After your post about bulbs, I noticed hyacinth bulbs at the store yesterday and picked up a bag of 10. Now to make a new garden space for them! Have a great weekend :)

    1. Hyacinth bulbs. I need to start looking at the stores myself.

      Vegetables are wonderful huh?

  2. Have a great weekend. We are suppose to be only about 104....hoping it gets cooler by next week so that seeds can be planted.

    1. No cool for us yet, but I feel like change is coming. Hopefully.

  3. Marks given for the best blog entry title line ever

  4. Replies
    1. I have always wanted to plant some of the more "unusual" colored plants. Maybe next year I will :-)

    2. I love the variety, it's just something you don't see much anymore (in stores, restaurants, etc). I want to try an heirloom bed like these next Spring.

  5. 1st Man,

    All the vegetables in the picture above are so delicious fresh and not from the store.

    I hope your weekend is more relaxing and less cutting the grass, stay cool!!

    1. Yes, they are so delicious. I've had a few, can't wait to try more.

      By now you saw the post about the actual weekend mowing adventure, LOL!

  6. Why did I get a flash of Annie's Granny there??
    I always love seeing such bounty. I'd go crazy trying to keep up with it all, but it still looks great.

    1. Ha, so true! Looks like one of her Harvest Monday posts! :-)

  7. Amazing picture! Yet more inspiration that I could use :)


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