
Tuesday, September 24, 2013


I wish I could say these are additions to our farm, but they are the newest additions to 2nd Family's homestead.  Born just a few hours ago.  This is their first ever batch of newborns so they are excited and we are excited for them.  Side note, what is a group of baby chicks called?  Clutch?  Brood?

There are 5 eggs that they have been waiting on to hatch and these are the first two that made it into the world.  Love the little "eye stripes" on this little gal (or guy?).  Should, hopefully anyway, be three more coming soon.  Can't wait to see them all this weekend.  Yes, we're suckers for baby anythings.

I can't wait until the day when we can have our own.  Until then though, we will live vicariously through theirs (and we get eggs!)


  1. they are so cute. the one looks like it has fake eyelashes!

    1. I never thought about that, great suggestion, fake eyelashes. I can't wait to see them this weekend (which means more pictures coming soon, ha)

  2. Aw, love the little peeps! I am pondering when to add another batch to my now tiny flock. I'd much rather have one of my hens (or even all three) hatch and raise a brood, but after my last experiences with roosters, I hesitate to bring another one home. Thinking....

    1. 2nd Family has had roosters and not much luck with them (evil things they can be, ha). Of course, with this batch, they DO have a rooster and ended up wtih this small brood, but I'm not sure how long the rooster will stay around ha.

  3. Eggs with no cares sounds like They are so cute!

  4. 1st Man,

    How cute!! I hear you on can't wait until you have yours. Were in the same boat :-)
    Enjoy them when you get to see them in person.

    1. Definitely!! We want them so bad but in time, let me get the garden working first, ha.

  5. Chicks are fascinating to watch. They can be called a clutch or brood, but I think, a clutch is more for eggs and a brood is for the babes. Then, of course, they grow up and some of them act like dogs and follow you around the yard wanting to be petted.

    1. Awesome, i learned something new. A brood. Wish they could stay small, they are too cute but then the eggs would be awfully small huh? LOL! Yes, they have a couple larger hens that will eat of your hand and come right up to you. Too fun!


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