
Wednesday, September 25, 2013


Sausage and Polenta Skillet Hash
This is a one pan dish 2nd Man whipped up with some random things from the fridge/freezer when we didn't want to get out in the recent monsoon rains.

I ran in there to get pictures of each step but of course, he was already about to dish it out.  It was so easy though, I don't think step by step photos are really needed, ha. 

1 tube of precooked polenta (we used Trader Joe's Organic)
1 lb of link sausage (any favorite variety, we like Holmes)
1 pkg of frozen mixed veggies
(any combo, we used a broccoli, corn, cauliflower, red bell pepper mix)
2 cups of shredded cheese (we used a cheddar blend)

We had a tube of ready made polenta in the fridge so he took that, diced it up, added it to a pan with a little bacon fat (about 2 Tbsp) and sautéed it.  I swear they were just like potato cubes.  Then he diced up the sausage, added it to the browned polenta and cooked it until heated through.  Next, he added a package of frozen mixed vegetables and kept the heat on until they were heated through. A bit of salt and pepper to taste (and any other seasonings you might like) and then he covered the top with the shredded cheese.  All that was left was to pop it under the oven broiler for about 5 minutes, or until the cheese was just starting to brown.

We dished it out onto a plate with a couple of biscuits that were left over from breakfast and just like that, we had a quick and delicious meal from stuff we already had in the fridge.

It was SO good!

Sausage and Polenta Skillet Hash


  1. Looks delicious. For dinner I often have cornmeal mush (polenta) with raisins and whatever else I can find. Thanks for sharing. Have a great week.

    1. Yum, that sounds good too! We might just have to try that. :-)

  2. Yum - I'm hungry, and supper isn't for another 2 hours... Thanks :)

    1. Ha, sorry to make you hungry. Your suppers have made me hungry lots of times too, lol. Good food transcends the miles huh?

  3. 1st Man,

    Oh my, does that look delicious!!!! Why didn't you invite us over to eat????

    Another good hash.......ground beef, potatoes, and green chiles.

    1. Come on down! :-)

      mmm, that sounds good. There is something to be said for a good old meal of meat and potatoes huh?

  4. I have never had hash - your version looks very nice.

    Your biscuits look like the things I would call 'scones'. I have never thought of eating them with a meal before. I would have them with jam and butter, or with jam and cream. When you say that you have them for breakfast, what would you eat them with?

    I am being introduced to a whole new cooking experience!

    Bye for now


    1. Yes, biscuits are similar to your scones, maybe a bit fluffier, a good biscuit here has flaky layers. Yes, we have them with bacon and eggs, we've had them with sausage patties, or sometimes just as a side with butter and jelly. Thanks for stopping by!!! Glad you are back commenting and blogging, you were missed (but of course were having a fabulous time obviously, ha).

  5. That looks soooo yummy! I am adding that to my list of new recipes ;-)

    1. It's so easy. You can make polenta of course from scratch, but that pre made in the tube (which is almost always all natural and/or organic) is a quick way to do it. Dice and fry and add the sausage, cook a bit more, add veggies, warm up, top with cheese and broil. YUMMY!

  6. 2nd Man is a genious! that is all!

    (oh well, except to say that you are a genious for being with him. now that really is all. except to say that the picture of your meal looks freakin' delicious! now that is really all. my work is done here!)

    your friend,

  7. That looks yummy. I have a new collection of recipes for batch cooking up on my blog.


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