
Tuesday, October 29, 2013


A break today from goings on at the farm.  This is Sydney.  One of the stars of the Funny Feline Friday posts and certainly the star of our household.

Sydney Ray, our 18 year old cat
Today, he is 18 years old.  Yep.
Born just before Halloween way back in October of 1995.
Hard to believe!

He still gets around pretty well, though his joints are a bit stiff when he walks (we do give him Cosequin which we've found helps him tremendously).  More recently, he has lost the vision in one eye due to cataracts.  Unfortunately he's too old for risky surgery, so we just have to help him along when needed.

He is still a very happy kitty, he eats well, he sleeps in all his favorite spots, and he even plays a little bit every once in awhile.  He has a great quality of life and we're happy to have him sharing our life with us.

Happy 18th to the best cat in the world!


  1. When you have chickens that quit laying, I hope you let them live a long life in comfort instead of destroying them. Sydney is a pretty kitty.

    1. Oh, we would definitely do that. 2nd Family has one hen from their original flock that is 11 yrs old. We know that after they quit laying they will just be happy girls living a life of retirement, ha. Thanks!

  2. Happy Birthday Sydney!!!!
    I wish we live as long as cats do :-)

    1. I know right? I see different estimates of 'human years' showing he is between 90 and 120!

  3. Happy 18th Birthday Sydney! You are a very handsome senior mancat. Enjoy your special day & I hope some treats are part of your celebration.

    1. Why thank you for the kind words. He got his favorite treat, fresh turkey. Yep, bought a turkey leg, roasted it and let him have some of the meat (we snacked on the rest, ha).

  4. What a handsome boyo! Happy Birthday to Sydney, and many happy returns :)

  5. Happy, happy birthday, Sidney! I wish I could age as well as you have! Enjoy all of your cyber hugs/pats today.

  6. Happy 18th Birthday, Sidney! And many, many more :)

    1. Why thank you very much, and by the way, love your blog!!

  7. Happy birfday Sydney!!!

    May you have many many more years!!!

    1. From your lips.... ;-) Oldest cat on record is 30something so you never know.

  8. Happy Birthday Sydney, he is lucky to have you.

    1. Aw, you are very sweet to say that. I think i'm lucky to have him stay with me for 18 years. Other than my parents and a handful of dear friends, Sydney is my longest relationship, ha.

  9. Wow! I remember when Sydney was just a wee kitten at your old apartment; how the time has flown. He's looking regal as always. Happy joy to you both for such a long and lovely life together.

    1. OMG that's right, you came over and fed him a few times when I was out of town.

      "Food = Love", LOL!

      Can you believe? 18 years? Wow.


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