
Sunday, October 6, 2013


Sink a Sub, vintage poster image courtesy of Houston Public Library
Wow, here is one that is sort of right in your face.

As with all things during the war, conserving resources and recycling/reusing materials was of the utmost importance.  This one follows in the the save your scrap theme and is geared toward farmers.  Bring in your Scrap so you can help "Sink a Sub from your Farm".  Then they add "Brave Men Shall Not Die Because I Faltered".  That would sure make me save my scrap.

Amazing that it's so hard to get many people to recycle these days.  It's getting better of course, but it could be way better.


Hope you are having a great weekend.  Ours has of course taken a turn we didn't expect, there was ZERO rain in the forecast, just cool weather...

...well the cool weather is here (low 60's) but look at this radar image...the red dot is the farm.  It is POURING rain this morning!  NOOOOO!  Woke up to thunder and lighting.  There will be no outside projects today.  Sigh.


  1. It is a bit discouraging in terms of outdoor chores, isn't it? It poured all night here, and has been raining off and on all day...the forecast for the next few days sounds like more of the same. Makes me feel like wrapping up in a blanket and knitting all day, but that really isn't on the list. Yet ;)

    1. It is isn't it? Our day ended up better, but it had already ruined most of the plans but oh well. I hope you clear up soon too. Stay warm (and dry)!

  2. I love reading your blog. This morning in Canada, it was cool and foggy. I love this weather. Thank you for sharing, we may be in another country but we are so close! There are no boundaries as far as I'm concerned.

    1. Wow, what a kind comment! Thank YOU! And thanks for stopping by. Cool and foggy can be nice. Definitely no boundaries, I love that the internet makes it like that.

  3. 1st Man,

    At least you didn''t have to worry about mowing in the rain :-)

    Recycle, reduce, and reuse is constantly going on in our home.

    Today, we cut the grass using our new ZEN machine. I will have to post about our deal tomorrow.

    1. RRR is what we try to remind ourselves regularly as well. Congrats on the machine!!

  4. 60s is cool? That's our high these days. Tomorrow highs will start being in the upper 50s. Tonight we are supposed to hit 41.


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