
Saturday, October 5, 2013


Cold front image courtesy of
OH happy days, a cold front, our first of the season, is coming!

Today, right  now, it's still hot and humid, but tonight we get a cold front and lows in the 50's and tomorrow is supposed to be an absolutely beautiful and wonderful and no humidity.  I have a long list of of outside things to do, I'll see how many I can get done.

The garden area is overgrown with grass, the last few weekends of rain have meant I couldn't mow inside the fenced area so it's out of control.

Also need to edge.
And plant.
And clean out the old beds.
And trim some branches.

Wonderful farm sky
But I think the best part will be to just open all the windows and let the breeze blow.  There is nothing better than that on the first cool day of the season.

Maybe I'll do less work and enjoy more of this first nice day.

Have a great weekend and we hope you have nice weather wherever you are.  Updates as they happen!


  1. Isn't it funny how when the weather is better we get ambious. Somehow 80 degrees outside when it has been in the 50's at night is so much better than 80's at 10 a.m.when it never got below 75 at night. Went out this morning and loaded up 8 loads in the manure spreader, no sweat, that's the good part, no sweat, LOL. Have a fun weekend.

    1. Cool weather is my 'spinach' (ala Popeye, ha). Doing stuff in cool is so much more enjoyable. No sweat is ALWAYS welcome. :-)

  2. lucky you! we don't cool down until tuesday and my plans are to spend the entire day in the gardens do fall prep!

    1. Well when you cool down you probably REALLY cool down, ha. Can't wait to see your updates.

  3. Get at it! SO much to do before actual winter. :)

    1. Tell me!! And most of today was shot. I might need to take some time off work to get it all done, ha. Of course our actual Winter is still a bit further off than yours. Stay warm!!

  4. Those magic words: cool and no humidity. Enjoy!

    1. Yes, those ARE the magic words. And the day ended up nice.

  5. It's been cooler in the a.m. for the past week and I've been out every a.m. just after dawn doing cleanup & stuff for the fall/winter. Enjoy. There is always something to do.

    1. Always always something to do. Cooler in the morning is such a great start to the day.

  6. It got to 88 today. TOO flippin' hot! We also are supposed to cool down starting Sunday, in the low 70's. But right now, I have my AV on 73 because I want to be COLD. I hope you have a great "first day of cold weather" day!

    1. 88 would be cool for us, ha. But I understand. Looks like it's cooling down for a lot of the country. It ended up being a good day in the end. Of course it will probably be 95 next week, ha.

  7. 1st Man,

    Oh it got cold last night here, and is suppose to get colder tonight in the 40's.
    I just picked up a Zen machine today, now I'm waiting on the grass to get tall enough to cut :-)

    1. My grandfather (he's in a nursing home in Lawton) said it was cold too. They are teasing us with talk of 40's in parts of town. We'll see.

      You have a Zen machine?? YAY!!!!!!! I'm so excited. Can't wait to hear you blog about it. Fun times coming!!! :-)


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