
Sunday, October 20, 2013


After the rains last weekend, and then rain this week and then an inch and a half Friday and Saturday, to say it was too wet at the farm would definitely be an understatement.  Standing water and mud.

It was just too wet to do much of anything outside.  I tried pulling some weeds in the raised beds but it was more about just walking and sinking in mud everywhere I went.  And definitely no way to edge or mow for sure.

Water water everywhere, so the trees and plants are surely happy.  The water table too!  However, it does look like our long range forecast shows no more rain the rest of the week.  Next weekend should be perfect.  Until then I'll just enjoy this new small pond that appeared, LOL.


  1. 1st Man,

    I say you did get all kinds of rain!!!!
    This should make your grass real green, and long........long enough to pull out the big green zen machine!!!

    1. Yes, lots of rain. We need it, so that's good but it can slow down for a bit and let us catch up, ha. And yes, I'm sensing some more zen machine time soon! :-)

  2. You can send a bit my way! Our irrigation water has been shut off and the system blown out for winter, so I'm hauling water in a watering can now. I really don't want to drag out the hoses and hook up to the city water, but things are getting pretty dry out in the garden. I don't want a LOT of rain, just a wee bit would do :-)

    1. Will do! Ha, I understand about not wanting a lot, we've had several inches over the last week, and I'm ready for a break. I have plans!

      Hauling water in a can? Like Little House on the Prairie! LOL!

  3. Arizona could have used a bit of that rain as well. It's beginning to look pretty dry around here and the temperatures are on the upward trend. But, my flowers & stuff are doing just fine, Unless I overwater them which I tend to do on occasion. Maybe next weekend will be much better and you will be very very busy. Have a great week.

    1. I'm making my list of things to do already. Fingers crossed. I heard that y'all were dry there. Hopefully you'll get some rain soon. And don't worry, I sometimes tend to overwater when it's dry as well.

  4. Oh, I feel for you. We've had non-stop rain for over a week. Enough already! Where was this in the summer, when I needed it for the garden?

    1. Enough is right. Doesn't it always seem it only comes when we don't want it and then not when we do?

  5. Well you were right, fingers crossed for perfect weather next weekend. It's pouring down here as I type.

    1. Hope it's stopped raining on you. Rain can be depressing after awhile.

  6. wow...that is a lot of rain. i hope you get a good weekend next week!

    1. So far, so good for the forecast. Fingers crossed. And toes. And eyes. LOL!


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