
Wednesday, December 4, 2013


  Taking a couple of days off to get better.  Had to go back to work this week and while I was starting to feel a bit better, being at work these last few days has taken its toll.  It's just a cold but the nagging cough is driving me crazy.  Yes, the socks/vick's thing works great, but alas, only at night while I'm sleeping, can't do it at work, ha.  Any other home remedies are always welcome.  I'll catch up to your comments and reply soon, and we'll have the drawing for the book giveaway!  Don't give up on us!


  1. i guess if you did the socks/vicks thing at work everyone else would have to go home! feel better soon!!!

  2. I hope you get over yours quicker than we have ours. We came down with it mid-October, and we're still fighting it. We're down for a week or 10 days, then feel well, then down with it again, then better, then here it comes again. I'm tempted to just go to bed for the winter!

  3. Dear No 1,
    I"m sorry you are feeling unwell. It sounds horrible but I can recommend cough drops made from sage, or syrup made from Thyme. You would probably get them from the Health food shop or perhaps at the Chemist. They are everywhere here in Germany and I must say that they certainly do the trick!
    I hope you get well soon,

  4. My chiropractor swears by this...he's a Dr,so consider this a prescription!!
    2oz gin
    1oz lemon juice
    3/4 oz maple syrup (or honey).
    Mix all the ingredients together in a mug, top up with boiling water.
    It tastes warming,and soothing ,lovely and cosy.
    Jane x

  5. The one other thing that I keep on hand for coughs is "Horehound" old fashioned hard candies. Natural Herbal Flavor....Claeys Candies since 1919. I usually find them at a sports store in wooden barrels at the front of the stores. They are made with 100% horehound herb tea so if you could find the tea, that might work too. Here's to a speedy recovery.

  6. I hope you feel better soon. Try to keep yourself hydrated and rested.

  7. 1st Man - i am sorry that you are not feeling well...and my best go-to whenever i am feeling sick or feeling run down is garlic tea. yep - garlic tea. take a fresh clove of garlic and crush it or mince it. poil boiling water over it and cover the cup with a saucer. let it steep 15 mins. the taste isn't all that bad, jam and i will sip it over several minutes, but a friend of mine drinks the whole cup down as fast as possible - either way works. try to have a cup first thing in the morning and again in the evening. you can add ginger and/or honey to try and sweeten the taste but make sure the honey is local and unpasteurized. jam and i drink this whenever we feel run down or feel like there is a cold coming on - we haven't had a cold or flu in years!

    your friend,

  8. I'm so sorry you've been sick! Definitely no fun. :(

    I came by to share my own exciting news, my homestead book is out! Plus, I'm having a book giveaway too. :) When you feel up to it, I hope you'll drop by my blog to help me celebrate.

  9. I'm super late to the party and am hopeful you are feeling all the way better by now! It's been a rough sickness filled season already, and it's only just begun! Take care of yourself, friend!

  10. sage tea for your throat --check ıt out.Maybe you should dose yourself wıth good herbal thıngs so you dont get ıll ın the fırst place.Look after yourself more!

  11. Alavera juice. 3 oz to 8 oz strong grape juice or any red/purple koolaide. As many times as you like.


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Now, let us hear from you!