
Monday, December 2, 2013


On Thanksgiving, we went to 2nd Man's extended family for dinner.  When we got to their beautiful home, the hostess, "A", had this fun idea.  She put up this sign in a frame on a table.  It says "Welcome! Tell us what you are thankful for on a leaf and hang it on our tree."

She had these leaves cut out and put in a can with some pens.  The leaves were different colors and there were also some pre-cut pieces of twine.  Then when people were done writing on their leaves, they hung them on the tree, as seen below.  

Tree of Thanks
Then after we ate dinner and dessert, she read all the leaves on the tree.  Lots of laughs (kids being thankful for Wii's and tablets) and lots of warm thoughts of family and love.  Definitely something memorable and we're thinking of doing something similar, but on a permanent basis, at the farm.


  1. What a great idea! My family used to go around the table taking turns saying what we were thankful for. This was before the meal and most were in a hurry to finish up so we could begin eating.

  2. I love it too. I think it says a lot about the host too. It does the soul good to ponder what we are grateful for. The kids and I made a lot of small cards with meaningful words on them, enough to fill a small box. Words like respect, grief, simple pleasures, etc. Nearly every morning we all close our eyes and pick one then we discuss the word. The kids find it fun and hopefully it gets them thinking a little deeper about things.

  3. What a great idea. Thanks for sharing.

  4. I'm joining the general consensus to say I think that this is a fabulous idea. Not being American, we don't celebrate Thanksgiving Day however it could be used at other times of the year - like Christmas! I like FionaG's idea too.
    This has all got me thinking...

  5. I have always wanted to have one of those! Such a lovely idea.


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