
Friday, February 28, 2014


Snooze buttons on cats?
Having cats, it didn't take us long to notice that when the alarm clock goes off in the morning, there they are...looking at you.  Then we hit snooze on the alarm clock.  The alarm goes quiet, but they don't.  The alarm goes off and they are still sitting there.  Staring.  Meowing.  Alarm clock snooze again.  More meowing.  Then they follow you around, looking up, pleading...and then we relent and give in.  Breakfast is served your majesty...

More later today!


  1. isn't this true? you should have a 70 pound chow chow shake ypu awake some time. it is a real eye opener!

    1. I can only imagine. They can be pushy can't they? Just who belongs to who? Ha.

  2. We had a cat whose alarm clock was way off. She would start in meowing to be fed in the wee hours of the morning. So hard to ignore, too.

    1. Oh, thankfully ours are on our schedule, ha. The meowing and face staring doesn't begin until the alarm first goes off, ha.

  3. ...and walking across your bladder. Cat, get that foot out of my face! I KNOW where it's been!


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