
Friday, February 28, 2014


With the upcoming delivery of soil today and mulch (possibly next week, depending on weather) for the garden, we needed a new wheelbarrow of some sort.  I have the awesome trailer for the Zen Machine that I got last year but A) it's more for hauling and pulling heavy loads, B) you can't use it stand alone, and most importantly, C) it won't fit through the garden gate.

So I've been looking for something that would be just right and I think I found something that will work.  It's this:

Rubbermaid Garden Cart
I got it at Home Depot last weekend for a great deal; it was on sale, plus I had a coupon for 15% off any single item!  Now, they do sell it at Amazon of course, for more than I paid, but if you are so inclined, or what to read more about it, the link is here: Rubbermaid Big Wheel Dump Truck

Rubbermaid Big Wheel Farm Cart
And look!  It fits right through the gate!  This is very important, because I'll be hauling in the soil for the new beds and then shortly thereafter, a huge load of mulch to put down around the beds.  There is only one easy way to get it inside the garden and that's with something like this.  It holds 7.5 cu feet, has a 300 lb weight capacity, and best of all, for our 'thorny environment', it has flat free tires that won't puncture.

Let the hauling begin!

And that will begin today, as you read this I am at the farm awaiting a delivery of 5 cubic yards of soil for the raised beds.  It will be put to good use.
More later today!


  1. I have THIS!! I L-O-V-E it! Have had it for several year, I haul manure, compost (same thing? HA), dirt, branches, plants, heck, I've fill it up with water (it's seamless) and pushed a large load of water to other parts of the yard. You will enjoy it. Pretty much a lifetime purchase.

    1. Great to hear that. I didn't think about water, I do know it's seamless but I didn't think about that, thanks. I hope it lasts a good long time for sure.

  2. i have one of these too. you are going to love it!

    1. Well, as lovely as your property is, I will take that a good sign that we made the right purchase, ha. Thanks!!

  3. I have one of those too. It does best with tires pumped as I've found out on many occasions. LOL! It has gotten a workout here over the years.

    1. Thanks I will remember that. This will for sure get a workout. In fact, it already did yesterday, ha.

  4. I have something similar that hooks to the back of my lawn tractor (and can be used alone) I will never go back to the standard One-Wheel wheel barrow.

    1. See, we have one we attached to the mower, and it's awesome and very useful but it doesn't work as a stand alone/push type cart. I do know what you mean about the one wheeled ones. this one is awesome.

  5. I have a Gorilla cart. You can use it on the back of your Zen Machine AND it also can be pulled by hand. It's under 30" wide. I think it cost me $100.00. Think about it for your next purchase. I have about 5 different carts & wheel barrows. I use them all. You can never have too many carts.

    1. Gorilla cart? I've never heard of that. Off to google that in a bit. I would like something that can be attached and still used by itself. I was thinking yesterday that if I need this cart over by where the future barn/chicken area will be, I'd have a long walk with it. Seems like several are a good idea. thanks!!!

  6. 1st Man,

    A wheel barrel, those are very helpful when working in the garden or hauling things for the house.
    Enjoy your new purchase :-)

    1. Definitely. I have used it a lot yesterday and it was a lifesaver for sure. Thanks!!!

  7. Word to the wise with regards to the Gorilla Cart- I found your page by searching for this cart as a replacement for my Gorilla Cart; the whole front axle has failed! I think this model would be not just a suitable replacement, but indeed a nice upgrade, as well.


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