
Wednesday, March 5, 2014


Earlier today, I posted a bunch of photos from yesterday's 'ice event'.  These are our two favorite photos that 2nd Family's "S" took for us.  Be sure and enlarge them to see the detail.

Cardinal in tree
The Cardinal in the icy tree above is just beautiful, and looks like something you'd see on a greeting card.  In fact, 2nd Man and I are thinking that we just might use this as this as our Christmas card later this year.

And then below, this one just entrances me.  This is the green grass driveway that goes to our house (that's the farmhouse way down at the end) that I was just mowing 3 days ago.  It is now surrounded by a fantasy land of frozen, icy trees.  It doesn't even look real, almost like something from a movie set. 

Frozen winter wonderland


  1. I can see why they're your favourites. You're lucky to have 2nd family on hand to catch the photos you miss when in town. I also wasn't aware that I could enlarge your images so am now going to go back to your last post to look over those photos again. LOL

  2. OMG, I thought the earlier ones this morning were stunning. I don't know which I like better, the cardinal, which does looks like a classic photo you might see somewhere, or the driveway with the green contrasted to the white. It does indeed look surreal.

  3. Beautiful pictures, thanks for sharing!

  4. these photos are just should have the cardinal one made into xmas cards!

  5. These photos are absolutely beautiful.

    I love pictures.

  6. That really is beautiful and strage at the same time. The green grass and icey trees. It was that way yesterday on the highest parts of Lookout Mt. My mom and I spend Tuesdays together running around and we have lunch. On the way to Chattanooga, the mountain was so pretty. Covenant College is up there and I have always called it The Castle. It was all white like your trees way up there. But not on the sides of the mountain. Just up at the higest points. It was beautiful. But then today, it was warm and awesome! Thanks for sharing your beautiful pictures. And I hope it warms up soon!

  7. Those are beautiful. I have a few pictures of cardinals in icy trees right outside my picture window. Those scenes and pictures take my breath away. I hope the ice doesn't break limbs in the trees.

  8. They are just wonderful photos. The red cardinal (not a bird I know but stunning) in the frosty tree is fantastic.

  9. The bright red cardinals are the males and the more muted ones are the females. We got about seven inches of snow in Fairfax, VA. The birds were going nuts since they couldn't scrounge on the ground for food so I threw several handfuls of seed out on top of the snow. You should have seen the birds! ...and then the piglet squirrels joined in too! I refilled my bird feeders twice in one day.

  10. I too love taking pics of our farm in the winter ice. It is a magic all its own, until I slip and fall and then my vulgar language trashes the whole lovely scene!

  11. Wonderful photos - we don't have colorful birds like the cardinal here - so beautiful. But we also don't have the tough weather right now either - windy, yes, but with fast flying clouds and fleeting sun with showers. Temperatures pushing 60 and above are forecast for the weekend - I feel guilty knowing so many blogger friends are buried in snow or having ice issues.

  12. WOW! I wouldn't be able to pick a favorite...such awesome talent!

  13. Well, it might be cold but it does look pretty. Compared to you it is like summer here and please don't be jealous that we are having 18c on Sunday! ;-)


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