
Wednesday, March 5, 2014


Stand by for a graphics intensive post, sorry I just couldn't resist posting them.  2nd Family's daughter "S" took these pictures to share with us what the farm looked like during this ice storm.  They are strangely beautiful...

Icicles on a bird feeder
Ice on hardware cloth
Frozen Tree
Ice on fence
Ice on tree
Beautiful ice
Frozen trees and green grass, so odd
Frozen fountain
Barnabas the party tree in his Winter finest
Love these because they are all so eerily pretty.  Not to mention, I think "S" has a pretty good eye for photography.  There are two more I will post later this afternoon that are our favorites.


  1. In the NW, where I'm from, we call this a Silver Thaw ... why I don't know as it happens (obviously) before it thaws, but that's what we call it...

  2. Beautiful! I love the last photo of Barnabas. I wish I had a party tree like that in my backyard :)

  3. I love the beauty of ice. Wonderful photos.

  4. Those pictures show the cold, which i didn't feel at all this winter...We got the fireplace changed to let the fire flow out which kept us pretty warm ...( can"t remenber what its called) (inverted) I can"t recall.

  5. Stunning - thanks for sharing them with us.

    I love the frozen tree with the green grass - a visual contradiction LOL

  6. Beautiful images. I hope the ice didn't cause any damage to the trees.

  7. Absolutely stunning! I love how she pictured the more obscure images like the wire fence. I don't like the cold but those images makes my photographers hand itchy. LOL

  8. Absolutely stunning! I love how she pictured the more obscure images like the wire fence. I don't like the cold but those images makes my photographers hand itchy. LOL

  9. Fabulous to look at, but ice storms can cause so much damage,I'm soooooo nervous if they are forecast.
    Jane x

  10. Wow! How beautiful! I agree, "S" does have a very nice eye for photography. I hope he/she continues with it.

  11. I love the juxtaposition of the ice to the green grass. Quite lovely!

  12. She takes really good pictures. The hardware cloth and fence pictures are unusual and lovely.

  13. Your neighbor has a very good eye. These photos are beautiful!

  14. The pictures are really something. Here in N.C. we are getting the same thing! Ice and COLD.
    The picture of "Barnabas", I can see him in the tree! He has on a hooded garment of some sort and is holding a twisted staff in his right hand! Can you see it too?
    Very Cool!


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