
Friday, April 25, 2014


Sleepy kitty, going...

Sleepy kitty

This is Brisbane.

He fights the onset of sleep all the time.  He can be sitting there staring at you and then just start dozing off (oh to be a cat...).

Of course, when he's asleep, he also has the cutest "sleep face" ever.  

Hope you are having a great day, it's Friday!

More later this afternoon!


  1. What a cutie pie! And he has such gorgeous eyes - they look like a pair of Australian opals, with the all the different bits of color. So his name of Brisbane is perfect!

    Texas Rose

    1. Aw, thanks! We never thought about that, his eyes, but I can see that. Thanks!!!

  2. Don't live near Brisbane but I don't think it is too sleepy!!
    He is so cute!

  3. Oh my, he IS adorable!! I love seeing a sleepy kitty, they make me want to grab them up and smooch them, ha.

    1. He's a smoochie kitty up to a point, then he gets kind of cranky, ha.

  4. TOO CUTE! Love him, he's a looker for sure. Hope you have a great weekend.

    1. Y'all commented at almost the same time, ha. He's definitely a looker, ha. Thanks, weekend was good, hope yours was as well.

  5. so funny, I just came across the pic of your guest room when looking for 'japan black' flooring and noticed your cat. He looks like a good ratter, just what you need on a farm. I live in Brisbane, Queensland, Australia. It's a lovely little sub-tropical city with some gorgeous art galleries, a lazy winding river and we can boast of pretty friendly residents most of the time. We've got a meeting of international leaders here in a couple of months and will be welcoming your president.

    1. Well hello! thanks for stopping by. Alas, this kitty lives in the city in town, he has never been to the farm. I'm afraid he would be scared of a rat/mouse, LOL! Brisbane is his name...we have an Australia naming theme for our three cats, ha. I would love to visit your wonderful country someday. It's on our bucket list!!

      I didn't know President Obama would be there , I will be seeing Brisbane all over the news. Cool, I'll watch for it all.

  6. Replies
    1. Thank you!! He's a cutie for sure, but of course, then again I've never met a cat I didn't think was cute, ha.


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