
Saturday, May 24, 2014


The hawks are out in force this weekend, enjoying the windy day, gliding around, riding the air currents.  So pretty to see.  I love when they fly between the sun and us and there is a giant shadow that moves along the ground.

Such a majestic bird...

Closeup of hawk
Hope you are enjoying your weekend.  Here in the states, it's Memorial Day weekend and so for a lot of us it's a three day weekend.

More later and don't forget to enter the giveaway if you haven't yet.
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  1. They are very majestic. We are fortunate to have many different birds of prey here and I love watching them all from the small kites right up to the sea and wedge tail eagles. Taking photos of them, and finding you've taken a good one, is so rewarding. Love the detail in your photo. Enjoy your long weekend.

    1. It was a bit blurry still but I was using the telephoto lens. I need to read up on the birds of prey in Australia, I bet there are some beauties. Thank you!!! Good weekend so far. :-)

  2. I love the big birds but they love our chickens... Chicken hawks for us are a dreaded site as they are usually after a chicken or a kid (baby goat) But they are lovely birds. Hot and steamy here this weekend. whew... but a chance of rain so who can complain :O)

    1. Ooops, I didn't think about the down side of that. I think 2nd Family (that lives at the other end of the property) have lost a couple of chickens to hawks. Baby goat? Yikes, now that's scary.

      Hot and steamy here, ugh but I see rain in the state. Fingers crossed.

  3. we have red tail hawks. love watching them spiral higher and higher

    1. Red tail hawks? Hmm, haven't see those I bet they are beautiful. they do love gliding don't they?

    2. they are beautiful :) below is a link to info on Red Tails

  4. Thankfully, we have few hawks here in the city. Occasionally, the chickens run for cover, but I am not quick enough to see why they hide under the bushes. In the nearby country and open fields they are abundant. They are amazing.

    1. I love watching birds ride the wind currents, it's so fascinating.

  5. I'm not positive, but I don't recognize that as a hawk, though I'm not familiar what you have there in TX. It looks JUST like the Turkey vultures we have here in MI.

    1. Hmm, you have a good point. I just assumed it was a hawk but it might be a vulture. It was so high up (this was with the telephoto lens). Next time I see one, i'll have to pay more attention. :-)

  6. Honey, there isn't a side line for us mobile users. Can you repost the link?

    1. Good point! I edited the post and put the link in it (above).

  7. Great pictures! They really are so beautiful as they glide and swoop through the air.
    But, as others have stated, since they are birds of prey, they sometimes get creatures that we wish they hadn't. When I lived in country, a red tail hawk got my 8-month old Siamese kitten - so very sad. So if you ever bring Brisbane and his buddies out to the country, please be careful!

    Texas Rose


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