
Sunday, May 25, 2014


For this vintage poster, since it is Memorial Day weekend, we wanted to find something that reflected that.  This early 20th century image is perfect.

This weekend, we are thinking of those that have died while in service for our country.  We also would like to thank those that continue to serve in the armed forces and their families that miss them every day.

It's off to the farm today for zen machine time.  That's always a good day.  It's a bit warm but kind of overcast so that should help.  There's even a chance of rain tomorrow and/or Tuesday.  We'll see if that happens.

Update later!


  1. 1st Man,

    Great Memorial Day Vintage poster!!

    Enjoy driving the Zen machine, remember to wear a hate and sunscreen :-)

  2. I love to use the push mower with bagger.. its self propelled so not like I am doing all the work LOL. I love having the clippings! I give the girls several bags and then I use them as mulch all over the place. Then there is the fact that I simply love walking behind that mower ... Honeyman likes the riding lawn mower or tractor with bush hog. Thats his idea of good mowing.

  3. Beautiful poster. Beautiful words.

  4. What a beautiful poster! God bless all of our heroes!

    Texas Rose


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