
Tuesday, June 17, 2014


Watched a really fun, cute and enjoyable movie and thought I'd post about it in case you haven't see it.

It's called EPIC.  They have a fun website centered around the storyline of the movie HERE.

Epic is loosely based on William Joyce's children's book "The Leaf Men and the Brave Good Bugs".  It's a beautifully animated CGI movie about a teenage girl who gets shrunken down and transported to a world small enough that we can't see it, but big enough to be full of adventure.  You see, it seems our gardens are a hot bed of battles between good and evil, between flowers and green plants and decay and dead plants, all watched over by tiny people riding birds and living among the plants.  It's EPIC!

While some of the themes have been seen before in other animated movies, strained parental relationships, feeling like an outcast, good vs bad, etc, the film creates such a vibrant and exciting world that is hidden from our everyday view, it really connects to those of us who enjoy the mystery of nature with a healthy dose of fantasy.

It was released, theatrically a year ago so it should be available on DVD, onDemand, etc and if you love nature and being outside in your yard, we really think you'd enjoy this one.  It might just make you think twice the next time you see  a hummingbird fly by or see something move out of the corner of your eye while you are outside in the yard...


  1. It was certainly a great film and one best seen on the big screen. I love animated film, I'm just a big kid at heart, but my all time favourite would have to be How to train your dragon. We can't wait to catch the sequel this weekend.

    1. I bet it was pretty special on the large screen. We aren't ashamed to say we love all animated films as well. How To Train Your Dragon? UMM, we've seen that about 20 times! Just watched it the other night when there was nothing else on. Can't wait to see the sequel!!

  2. Great minds, we just watched that about a week ago, LOVED it.

    I told my hubby I want it on DVD for my bday, ha.

    Karen L

    1. That would be a pretty special gift. Just drop lots of hints. And happy birthday!

  3. Thanks, I like animated movies of all types and missed this one. I like anything about nature and out of doors.

    1. It kind of came and went at the theater but it was really good. Not sure why it didn't get more publicity. It's definitely an 'outside' and 'nature' movie (with a healthy dose of fantasy, ha).

  4. I haven't watched it yet as I thought it looks a little too girly for me... Although I watched The Princess Diaries the other day on TV so I'm
    Not sure I make a good argument.

    1. I wouldn't say it's too girly, it does have a strong female protagonist but there is a balance of testosterone, LOL!

      As for Princess Diaries, we may or may not have watched it....several times. LOL! :-)


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