
Wednesday, June 18, 2014


OK, this is something I wanted to share because they just work so well.  One thing I've discovered with the raised beds is that normal rakes and shovels can be a bit large and unwieldy, especially in a 4x4 area full of plants.

So here is my solution.  I found these:

Raised bed rake and shovel
We purchased them at Home Depot but I'm sure they are sold elsewhere.  Do you know what they are?  They are children's garden tools!  Surprisingly, they are well made metal implements with sturdy metal handles and they even have holes at the top to hang them with.

They are a nice length (28") to use in a raised bed.  Because a raised bed is elevated up somewhat, there is not much bending over to make them useful.  Even better, their smaller tool ends make them a cinch to rake between plants and dig small trenches and holes without damaging existing plants.

Best of all, they only cost $4.88 each!

Cool small tools for raised bed garden
Just thinking outside the box!
Sometimes you just have to do that don't you?


  1. How ingenious of you! You are definitely thinking outside the box - the sand box!
    I’ll have to check out the kiddie section for other smaller size tools - I plant my onions close together and it’s hard to get in there with adult-sized garden tools.
    Great idea about the child-sized tools for smaller spaces. “Necessity is the mother of invention”!

    Texas Rose

    1. The sand box, LOL! I'm sure there are plenty of 'kids tools'. Just make sure it's not Fisher Price or something, that might not work HA HA!

  2. How good did you feel, find an unconventional, but yet perfect solution. It is one of the things I love most, finding solutions for problems in the most unusual places and with the weirdest components.

    1. It DID feel good, ha. I was standing at the checkout buying other things and I saw those and at first I thought, 'ah, how cute'. Then I picked them up and went "hmmm, this could be useful".

      And besides, I love the bright colors, ha.

  3. 1st Man,

    I love those small garden tools. They not only are for kids, they work great for adults and garden boxes.

    1. Definitely!! I need to find more, I think they'll be valuable in the raised beds for sure. :-)

  4. Wow, I will give you definite props for coming up with that. How smart of you!!!

    1. thanks, it was a moment of zen as they say, ha.

  5. How cool is that solution. I was just outside a few days ago using hand tools on my hands and knees. I am going to look for these. You are smart!!! Of course my husband will think I'm crazy if I say I want to go buy some children's tools for the garden, hahaha

    1. Well thanks, you are very kind. Yes, it's an odd feeling at first because of their size and we're all used to gigantic rakes and shovels.

  6. LOL! I am well familiar with these tools as I own them myself. In my case, I bought them for my 6 year old son. And yes, I use the red shovel when planting in my raised beds. Now I just need to get my hand on a small hand weeder.

    1. That is TOO funny! I can hear it now "Daddy, why are you using MY tools?" ha.

      I wonder if they have smaller hand tools? They should huh?

  7. Brilliant! My raised bed is 8 by 4, which gives me a little more room, but these would be just the thing when I am reaching in between the plants. Especially later in the season when things are really growing. Kudos to you!

    1. Well thank you much. I just needed to find something that worked and so far, these have been great! Now I just need to find other tools in 'kid sizes', ha.

  8. A bit off topic, but could you come weed my raised beds? Yours look so nice and neat. Because of the compost we use, we always get plenty of weeds. I'll buy you any tools you want. And bake you bread from freshly ground grains. Pretty please? Fine, I'll just the kids to do it. They work cheaper anyway. :)

    We have some similar tools for the kids. After replacing them several times (kids are hard on them), I finally found some with real wood handles. I have been known to make use of them once or twice. It's so nice to find something that works for you, isn't it?

    1. "Will work for fresh bread"?? LOL! I'm going to have a post coming up showing how the beds are starting to get out of control, ha. Lots of weeds. It was a great find for sure and have been invaluable so far.

      Now if you want to send kids THIS direction, I'm sure I can find some weeds in the garden for them, LOL!

  9. (Found your blog searching out vaporub and stuck around)
    This is our first year doing raised garden beds, and, when getting supplies, my 3 year old really wanted those tools, which I find totally awesome. But they were more like $15 each, not $5! I'll have to check back now that our season (here in AZ) is pretty well over.

    1. Well thank you first of all for the nice comment! Hmm, $15? Definitely check Home Depot, I've seen them in two different stores here and they are $5 each. Might be good to stock up, ha. They are in the garden center section of the store and were near the checkout register (probably for children 'impulse buys', ha.). Thanks for coming by, don't be a stranger!!


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