
Saturday, June 7, 2014


Here are some pictures to share of the property around the house.  This is from the back fence looking toward the house and driveway. Barnabas the party tree is on the left...

This is from the other back corner of the house, looking toward the rear of the property...

This is looking over the fence toward the property that backs up to ours.  It's 300+ acres.  Currently used as cattle land.  Oh how I wish we could afford to buy it, but needless to say it would be WAY over anything we could ever afford...

Off to the farm today to mow...and hopefully plant some "color".  


  1. lovely and green. and about the extra land.... i don't hurt to dream :)

    1. It definitely doesn't hurt to dream, ha. Thanks for the reminder, I suppose one should never say never, right? :-)

  2. Thanks for sharing! It looks like a wonderful place. :)

    1. It's very peaceful...and very green, ha. LOL!

  3. Beautiful land, love the party tree ;)

    1. Well thank you! And yes, the party tree is, will be. pretty cool. That's a summer project when it's too hot to work out in the open sun, I can do stuff under the shade of the tree.

  4. 1st Man,

    I love that you have all kinds of trees where you live. So many people have property that have no trees. You need tree's to help with shade especially when living in Texas.

    1. Yes, definitely...there are quite a few trees. You are so right, I see property around us where it's just a huge empty several acres with a giant house plopped in the middle. Then they plant trees around it.

  5. I love all the beautiful green. Green makes me happy. Cows make good company. Can you get cow patties for fertilizer?

    1. Green IS a happy color isn't it? Cows are good company for sure. I think I could get cow patties (heck along one side I think I can just reach through the fence, ha).

  6. So green! We have a field behind the cottage that I've often wanted to own and it too has cattle in in occasionally but I think we do own it in a way. It's our view!

    1. Now I LOVE that sentiment. We do own it all don't we? A view! Very nice. Thanks!!! ;-)

  7. maybe you could just buy a bit of it?

    1. You know, that's always a possibility. There is always a part of us that is worried someone will buy it and divide it up to build a neighborhood or something. I never thought about that. 2nd Family is actually related to the people who own it, perhaps I should drop a few hints on occasion. :-) Thanks for the suggestion!

  8. What a nice patch you have. I can see patch for a wildflower meadow there.

    1. Good suggestion! I've been wondering what we could do back there. At some future point, we've thought about a hot tub and/or 'redneck pool' (a large, round, galvanized tank like is used for livestock, ha).

  9. i love to see the color GREEN in texas - for as long as it lasts. :)

    1. Amen!! It's been such tough few years with the drought here hasn't it? Heck, a couple of years ago this was all desolate brown. We should enjoy the green (plus a bit of color, ha).

  10. looks very neat and tidy, so green not what I was expecting for Texas I somehow thought it would be more barren. :-)

    1. Ha, a lot of people probably think that. And there are parts of Texas that are very much like that. We're lucky, the Houston area is usually pretty green (when we aren't in a drought situation) and there are lots of trees. As for neat and tidy, thank you! This was after it was freshly mowed, ha.

  11. Very pretty! We have so much around us that we'd love to own, too. But we get to enjoy the views, etc without the worry of crops or the payments for taxes and insurance. I love looking out and seeing cows in the pasture. It's so peaceful and "country". And the peace comes from not having to worry about fences or breeding or health... Of course, if you're going to dream you can dream of being rich enough to pay someone else to worry about all that! :)

  12. You’re so lucky for owning a beautiful farm like this – green, peaceful, and huge! This is definitely the kind of property everyone would dream of. But it’s not easy to find one nowadays that is in good condition and is just within the average person's price range. Anyway, thanks for giving us a tour of your farm! I suddenly got inspired to attend to our farm as well. Haha!

    Darren Lanphere @ Mirr Ranch Group


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