
Monday, July 14, 2014


Recently, the son of our dear friend Dawn graduated from high school (he's the one we helped with his first FFA pig that he named "Seda").  We all went out to celebrate at dinner along with his Grandparents (her parents) who were in town visiting.  We had a great time and even shared a couple of jars of our homemade dewberry jam.  They recently returned back home.  So the other day, a package arrives in the mail.  It was from Dawn's mother and father.
We opened it and found this...

Old handsaw
A handsaw?...No silly....flip it over!  

Painted saw
It's a work of art that she made for us!  Isn't it pretty?

Dawn's mother painted this on one of her husband's old handsaws.  She made sure to include the name of our farm across the top.  We had mentioned to Dawn that we were going to (eventually) paint the farmhouse a barn red color and so she told her Mom...who of course painted a little house in that color. 

Painted hand saw detail
Look, she even gave us the color in the landscaping that we want at the farm, LOL.  We can only hope that it looks like this someday.

We took it to the farm and hung it up on the wall in the living room.  We were trying to decide where to put it and 2nd Man and I both said "we have to put it in the living room so that other people can see it too".  So here it is, above a doorway in the living room, so that anyone who comes in can see it.

I know that they will see this posting (since they both read the blog) and so we want to take a moment to tell them how touched we were that she did this for us.  The note that she wrote with it actually moved us to tears.  Like Dawn (and her family), her Mother and Father are just kind, good, and accepting people.  We are proud to be a small part of their extended family.

We will always treasure this special gift!


  1. well, this is just wonderful! what a fabulous present for the farm. your friends are very thoughtful!

    1. Thank you, it came out of the blue and we love it!!

  2. A wonderful gift that came from their hearts and hands. And, it looks gorgeous where you have decided to place it. Awesome!

    1. Thanks, we thought the same thing, it came from their heart and that's the best place for it to come from, right? :-)

  3. What a lovely surprise and what a talented lady. Nice colour scheme too.

    1. We liked the colors as well. We hope the farm looks like that someday, LOL!

  4. That is beautiful! How very kind & a very precious for you.

  5. How pretty is that? Very pretty, she's talented for sure!

  6. Such a gorgeous work of art! And perfect for your farmhouse! She sure has talent!

    1. Thanks, yes, it couldn't be more perfect. We love it.

  7. I was thinking, "Oh, a saw will be handy." And, then you turned it over. Lovely!

    1. Ha, that's funny, it definitely would be confusing at first.

  8. Replies
    1. You are very welcome, thanks for stopping by!!

  9. That is just about the cutest piece of country art I have seen in years and year... just lovely!!!

    1. She will be happy to hear that. Definitely fits us.

  10. WOW she is really good, I wished someone cared about me enough to do that, haha.

    1. Aww, thank you for that. I'm sure lots of people care about you, maybe they just can't put it into the form of art, ha.

  11. How special to have something like that. I bet you will cherish it always. Sure wish I had that talent.

    1. THAT we will do. It's up on the wall and there it will stay for as long as we are there, which, God willing, will be for many years to come.


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