
Sunday, July 13, 2014


Produce More for Victory, vintage poster image, courtesy of US National Archives
True words then, true words now.

This one dates from WWII and the "Victory Garden" campaign.  I believe a of humor was the way to get the point across in this one.  This poor guy's farm is definitely fertile, with all the baby pigs and chicks and puppies and of course actual BABIES, ha.  I am guessing the poster was to remind people to keep their soil fertile so they can produce more food.

Hope you are having a good weekend!


  1. Just dropped by from Teresa Ashby's blog and enjoyed your posts, especially loved hearing how you realised your dream.

    1. Thank you!!!! Hope I didn't bore you, lol. A big thank you again and welcome, don't be a stranger!!

  2. Thank you for catching the spam comment. It was removed (unfortunately since your reply was attached to it when I deleted it, it deleted yours, but thank you again!)

  3. Getting the fertility up in the soil is tricky without all the animals though!

    1. If you don't have animals of your own, it's likely that anyone nearby who has critters (rabbits, guinea pigs, horses, chickens), if they are not using it themselves, would be happy to let you have all the free fertilizer you want! Yours for the asking.


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