
Saturday, August 2, 2014


Cloudy Texas Day
So the weather was overcast (but no rain) and that kept today nice and cool.  70's/80's in August is unheard of in these parts.  I planned to do a lot of projects at the farm.

But then we got out there and for some reason, I just couldn't get in the mood.

I have six bags of these to mix into the raised beds.
Didn't do it.

Still have the park grills to put in the ground (CLICK HERE).
Didn't do it.

Could have mowed and edged.
Didn't do it.

We'll see what tomorrow brings.

Do you ever have one of those days?


  1. That is so ME today! Not sure what it is. Same thing here, we've been hot, it's finally cool and I just couldn't much of anything today. We all have those days, shrug it off and move forward. :-)

    1. Maybe it is the weather change? Glad to know I'm not the only one, you are right, just move on tomorrow! Ha. Thanks!

  2. As Scarlett would say, "tomorrow is another day"!

    1. And speaking of tomorrow, ha, thanks for that reminder!

  3. No sun here, overcast, and I am not in the mood. Park Grills?

    1. Thank you for the question, I realized I didn't put a link to the original post about the grills. It's been corrected if you are so inclined to read about them, ha. Hang in there, as was said above, tomorrow is another day!

  4. I think this is contagious! I started out strong but played out early. Manana!!

  5. FOR SURE! And today was it! Morning chores went well, by this afternoon I decided to head off to bed for a nap, surrounded by six cats.
    Jane x

    1. Ahh, the true definition of a cat nap...I love those days. :-)

  6. Love this SO much!! Permission to do nothing is wise counsel! Thank you. ❤️

  7. I have been feeling that way for weeks! My gardens are over run with weeds. My closets need organized. I really need to dust all the high places in the house and I think perhaps I have a cobweb to two that need to be knocked down. All I have to say is...MEH! Not in the mood...

    1. Life just sometimes gets in the way doesn't it? And you are correct, "MEH" is the best thing to say, ha. It'll pass, eventually, ha.

  8. You know, on a different day you will get most, if not all, those things off your list. Everyone needs an 'off' day.

    1. Absoltuely true!! Tomorrow is another day. :-)

  9. i do the same thing all the time. and then the list piles up and makes me crazy!

  10. Sometimes the chores just have to way. Sometimes you just have to enjoy your surroundings and what you have created. Who is making the chore list? You! So you can do it when you feel in the mood. Enjoy the cooler weather.

  11. Oops that should read "sometimes the chores just have to wait."

  12. I'm not in the mood a lot. Sometimes I force myself to do stuff, and sometimes I just don't. Canning salsa today, even though I'm not in the mood...but the tomatoes will punish me if I don't. (Nothing worse than the smell of rotten tomatoes...) It doesn't matter--it all gets done eventually.

  13. It has rained for 3 days straight. I am not in the mood for nada. I need sunshine!!! I only wish some of the drought stricken areas could get some of the rain. Wouldn't that be a blessing?!

  14. 1st Man,
    I have these days once and a while. I just want to hang a hammock under a tree and or shady place and lay back and let the world go by with a large glass of ice tea.

    Remember to treat yourself with relaxation every now and then!!!


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