
Friday, October 31, 2014


Oh....the plans I have!  
Here is the forecast for this weekend:

Lows in the 40's...highs in the 60's on Saturday?  It truly is our first REAL weekend of Fall.  This is working outside weather if I've ever seen it!  The list is getting long and I only have two days to work on it.  Of course, we'll have more weekends but I want to do it all now.  Sometimes I'm one of those instant gratification types of people and that can be a hindrance to getting it all done.  I'm better off to focus on a few projects.

The most important project is getting the garden cleaned up and readied for Winter.  The other big project is to plant some more trees and bushes.  So it's off to the garden center tonight to pick up soil and all the other things we need to get the plants in the ground.

Needless to say, posting will be sporadic this weekend while we enjoy it.  

Now if I can just keep the napping with the windows open and a cool breeze blowing to a minimum...


  1. Ahhh, enjoy! We have woken to hot gusty northerly winds which will be followed by a very hot day, once the sun gains a little height in the sky. The grass, which was cut 4 days ago, is in need of another mow. A must when it comes to snake visibility. All must wait though cause first thing on my list is pulling up the garlic before we get rain.........which will get the grass growing even faster!!!

    1. It's Summer for you, right? And grass grows exponentially with rain all over the world, ha.

  2. That sounds like perfect weather to it's been around 4C all day with a cold rain. Traders.

  3. i would just shrivel up and die if i lived there! though, i am sort of shriveling up and dying here too but that is a whole other story. it is 40 and raining and wonderful. happy halloween!!!

    1. LOL! I hear ya!! Hope you had a great halloween!!

  4. No need for me to say "keep busy"! Hope you get everything done.
    Warmish here & cloudy.....maybe a little rain? We wish.

    Have a great weekend.

    1. I hope you got some rain. It was a busy but productive weekend.

  5. 70 degrees here!
    What did you think of " tainted meat?"

    1. Oh it was so good!!! And I just finished watching tonight's episode. It was Beth centered, as we suspected but really good. Really good!!

  6. 1st Man,

    I love making lists on things I need to accomplish, and checking them off as I get them done. Well I should say sometimes I need the list to remember what it was I wanted to finish (senior moments.....okay no laughing) :P.

    28 degree's here in the morning, I'll trade for your temperatures.

    1. 28?????? Holy cow!!! That's cold for this time of year huh? Aren't lists great? They keep me remembering too, I understand senior moments, ha.

  7. That is definitely some pretty outdoor weather. That is the kind of weather Pooldad likes to mow the yard. Right now we're facing tons of leaves [no mowing with a push mower, they're that deep.] but we can't rake them yet because the Town hasn't given up the date for pick up. We do it too early and they'll all blow back. We do have to do the gutters tho'. Oh joy! But, alas, we have rain in our forecast, so we'll probably just lay around all day like lazy bums. heehee Enjoy your gardening and tree planting. Can't wait for the pics.

    1. Oh, I'm so glad we don't have leaves to worry about. Mesquites don't drop leaves, ha. I hope you all got some stuff done! Yes, i'll have pics soon. Too tired tonight to do a post, ha.

  8. I like the Barnabas Hand on your tree. It was below freezing last night and only up to 42 at noon.

    1. Below freezing for you too? Wow, it is an early Winter to the North huh? Thanks, the Barnabas hand is always creepy fun, especially in Winter.

  9. It was indeed gorgeous today! Perfect weather for planting, napping, enjoying out at the Farm.
    I worked outside today also. I have my fall garden but wanted to have a little kitchen garden right outside the back door. So I dug out some dirt in a flower bed, replaced it with some compost, and planted some fall-winter vegetables. Now they’ll be handy when it’s a cold, wet day and I don’t want to walk out to the garden.

    1. Wasn't it a beautiful weekend? Wow. We don't get a lot of perfect weekends but this was one for sure. Great idea about the back door kitchen garden. I might have to remember that (though the farm backdoor is the porch, ha.) Hope you got lots done!


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