
Friday, October 31, 2014


Barnabas the tree
I took this picture of Barnabas, our party tree, not too long ago because it reminded me of the creepy hand of a vampire or other scary creature.  I found the picture below and it reminded me of what I saw in the tree, even though it's a female hand and he's a male tree, ha.

He's pretty and shaded in the Summer, providing a respite from the oppressive heat, but he's also kind of scary in the Winter.  We're in the 'between seasons' time now so scary Barnabas is coming soon!

Hope you are having a good day.  More this afternoon/evening.  
Get lots of candy and have a great and safe Halloween!


  1. That is one spooktacuular tree hand.

  2. 1st Man,

    Happy Halloween To You and Yours!

    1. A little late (for me to reply) but hope you had a nice one too!

  3. Not scary but funny for me. When I was a teen and my two sisters lots of years younger I'd scare them into doing chores for me by saying I had the "Hand of Wrath". Your photo depicts exactly what I was trying to scare up for them. LOL

    Happy Halloween. No trick or treaters here - never have been. We are too far off the road.

    1. Hand of Wrath!! I'll have to remember that. Yeah, we'd never ever have trick or treaters at the farm...but late at night in the dark, around some of those creepy trees, I think we might have monsters, LOL!

  4. That photo sure does look like a claw-y hand!
    Isn't it fun to imagine things in clouds, tree branches, etc.

    1. Oh I used to dream about things in clouds all the time when I was younger. Maybe I should spend an afternoon looking up at the sky again someday soon.


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