
Tuesday, October 14, 2014


OK, enough of the bad/creepy news, here's some good news!

Those who have been around the blog for awhile know that we have a fondness for naming trees.  Click HERE to see about when we named this tree at the corner of the driveway.  It's a mesquite, as a lot of our trees are, that has a graceful curve like a dancer.  We named her "Ginger".

Flash forward to the other day when I saw our TURTLE visitor again!  He was heading back to this area around the tree.  It's also very near where I first saw him so we're thinking this cool, shady spot is his permanent home.

Since all signs point to the turtle being a male, and he's hanging around "Ginger" the mesquite only seemed natural...

FRED AND GINGER, together again!

Since he seems happy in his spot, we'll leave him alone and hope he stays a long time.  There are certainly not many dangers at the farm, at least that we know of, that could put him in danger.  He's far, far away from the road so that's good.  Heck, I wonder if we could put some water out for him?  Some turtle treats?  Throw a head of lettuce into the bushes?  Ha. 

Do you have any sort of animal that has been hanging around your place for a long time?


  1. We have a groundhog that I want to hate but can't, and are also incredibly blessed to have a beautiful little red fox who comes down to a little mini ravine on our property every year to have her kits. All the more thrilling because no one had seen a red fox in this area for decades. I am a red-head and I think there are those who suspect she is my familiar! :o)

    And of course the requisite rabbits and deer by the dozen to feast on our gardens....

    1. Aw, that's cool about the groundhog. And the fox, wow, that would be neat. Do you know I've never seen a fox in real life. I hear they are beautiful animals and very striking in appearance.. Very neat!!

  2. Oh, I meant to add that turtles generally really love double pink hibiscus flowers, if you know anyone who has a bush!

    1. REALLY? Wow, that's cool. I've actually thought about planting them....they can survive our winters when it's mild but sometimes don't in a hard freeze. But they THRIVE in our Summers. I just might have to look for a double pink one! Thanks!!

  3. Oh, I just love how you named Fred! And Ginger is indeed very beautiful with that curving branch - like a natural arch.

    When I was teaching kindergarten, we had a cottontail rabbit, ‘Mr. Rabbit,’ that lived in our certified-nature-habitat garden for several years. The kids loved seeing him along with the yearly nest of mockingbirds and the life cycle of monarch butterflies -- great life lessons of respect for other creatures.

    Since box turtles live long lives and prefer to stay in their original habitat, y’all will have many years to enjoy your neighbor Fred. Isn’t it wonderful when a wild creature feels secure enough to stay around your home! (Well, except for your bathroom invaders!!)

    1. I hear they do live a long long time. There are no real predators around him so I hope he stays put. Something tells me you were the 'cool' teacher that everyone wanted to have. :-)

      And yes, the wildlife outside, we'll gladly share with...just not the house, ha.

  4. Love it!! Look forward to more mentions of Fred. We have loads of wildlife come and go, it comes with living on the land which is backed by a large national park, but there seems to be a trio of kangaroos that we see almost daily. There was an old wombat as well but we haven't seen this particular fellow for a while now. We also have a King Parrot with a deformed foot that comes for food every day. My son has called him Mr Claw.

    1. I just LOVE that you see kangaroos daily. For you that's just everyday....we can only see them here in a zoo (and I don't like zoos personally, but that's another story). Anyway, just amazing how you have those roaming around. I love it!! And wombat...I had to look it up to remember what it was. It's so cute! Might be dangerous, I don't know but it's cute for sure.

      And Mr. Claw, that's awesome as well.

  5. Turtles seem to love melons, just cut one open and Fred will have a great treat!

    1. Melons? We have a cantaloupe in the fridge! I might need to slice it up when we go out this weekend. Thanks!!

  6. You have a family We used to get wildlife but we're down to squirrels, chipmunks and birds. I'm so jealous.

    1. Do you know there are no squirrels at the farm? Plenty in town but none out there. Weird. And hey, you have chipmunks, we don't have those. I'm jealous of that, ha!

  7. 1st Man,

    We have squirrels, rabbits, skunks, possums, hawks, all kinds of birds, coyotes, and the occasional turtle.

    1. Isn't nature wonderful? We all share our space with them don't we? Oh and the snakes, meh, not so much, LOL!

  8. I live in the suburbs of St. Louis in an area where, thankfully, most of the trees were left alone. When the house was built, about 30 or so years ago many developers cut every tree in sight. Our house backs to a section of the woods and we have seen many deer, chipmunks, squirrels, barred owls, great horned owls, fox, groundhogs, many songbirds and have heard coyotes. I had no idea there was such an abundance of wildlife so near at hand until I moved into this house. I love it here. The chipmunks are cute, but they dig tunnels all over the place so we can't say that we love them.

  9. I love turtles. I would have named him too. Great name, btw. I'm sure he would love some water once in awhile as it is probably hard for them to find it at times. I wonder if there are others? On our country property we have only found a couple of cats hunting but they may be from one farm over. I have just hung birdfeeders to welcome the local birds for the winter. I'd love to find a turtle. Deb

  10. Yes, we have a family of Marmots living under our stable. Unfortunately! I don't mind the herd of deer or the birds. We hate the raccoons though and the marmots are a nuisance. We have bats too and don't much like them either.

    Oh the beauty of having a place in the wild!

  11. Turkey's...we have wild turkeys roaming all over the dang place. For the next several weeks they'll be enjoying the yearly drop of acorns off our Red Oak tree. It's been a real bumper crop this year. We also have a big fat porcupine who's been wandering around for years that we've named Mrs. Beezley. The challenge has always been to keep the two Cairn Terriers from trying to give her a wee kiss and so far, thankfully, they've give her a very wide berth. Love the turtle named Fred! Perfect.


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