
Monday, October 13, 2014


THEY'RE BAAAACK...ARRRRGH!  SO upsetting...  

So this is what we walked into at the farm.  Remember last week?  Just a few nibbles.  This week, the entire edge of the flooring from one side to the other...

And on the other side, same thing, stripped out huge chunks of the vinyl flooring trying to get out. 

We're guessing this is more than a snake and a mouse.  There was also additional large scat (poop) today.  I did some more Googling and there is a chance it's either a roof rat (aka Norwegian rat) or a possum.  Whatever it is is, it has to be something living perhaps in the attic and coming down through the walls behind the water heater or maybe even something hiding/living back up under the bathtub.  One this is for sure, I'm not sticking my face under to check it out.  For brief moment I thought maybe we should just leave the doors open but then my brain cleared and I realized that would just let whatever it is INTO the rest of the house to do who knows what to furniture, beds or other flooring.

SO...we're fighting back!

2nd Family loaned us their live trap, we baited it and set it.  We put it in the bathroom and shut the doors.  They have generously offered to check the house twice a day, every day this week and keep an eye on it for us.

They promised to get a picture if possible, and I was sure to leave them the necessary tools.  Our best zombie wild animal fighting equipment...

...a heavy duty flashlight and a machete!

We've had the inside of the house finished now for almost 2 years and the bathroom doors have been shut when we're not there for all that time.  Some occasional mouse droppings but that's it.  This is a new hurdle for us and it's frustrating to say the least.  If this doesn't work, we'll be calling in the pros.  

It's always something in the country, huh?


  1. Oh, no - not again! There is definitely something big in that bathroom. Those Norway rats can get as big as cats. I keep several boxes of DeCon rat poison in my attic year-round.
    The trap is a great idea. And 2nd Family are GREAT neighbors for checking it - “What’s behind Door # 1? What’s behind Door # 2? Which one to open first?” Yikes!

    1. Yes, unfortunately. And it's such small bathroom. The only hiding place is behind the water heater and under/behind the built in tub. Or something coming from the attic into a hole back there I can't find.

      I'm kind of worried, they haven't emailed today, I'm guessing they checked and nothing to report. I am surprised but I suppose it could be tomorrow or Wed or who knows when.

  2. Yep, typical living in the country. If you were in Australia my money would be on a Brush Possum though you don't have to be in the country to have problems with them. I do love a good mystery!!!

    1. Brush Possum? Well, it could be a regular old American possum which I guess is related. Stay tuned, we'll find out, hopefully soon!

  3. If you lived around here it would probably be a raccoon. They get into so much mischief. Hope you catch it and release it somewhere far from your place soon.

    1. You know, I was showing the pictures to my boss at work and the first thing he said was raccoon. I guess the ones I've seen are always so big. I was thinking it couldn't be in there and be big but I suppose it could be a young one. Answers hopefully coming!

  4. Never mind that catch and release garbage....kill the miserable thing, whatever it is. If you don't it will be back.

    1. LOL! I was thinking of getting rid of one and having another come back.

  5. Gives me the shivers to think about what might be there lurking, waiting to come out when you're not there. Keep us posted.

    1. I KNOW! Or even when we ARE there. We spent the weekend a couple of weeks ago (before this) and I'd get up in the night and walk into a dark room and not think twice about it. Now I'll be honest and say it would freak me out, ha.

  6. Have you thought about getting one of those game cameras ( as in hunting, not gaming!) and setting it up in there?

    They are not overly expensive and I bet you'd have fun with it elsewhere on your property once you solve this nightmare... maybe you could even borrow one?

    1. That is a great idea...we could set it up in there and see what it is! I think they call them trail cams? I kind of wish we had done that now. It might all be solved by this weekend, ha. Thanks for the idea...heck I think I want one anyway, lol.

  7. Wow! Makes me glad we have tile floors! Whatever it is, it can sure chew! I agree with the game camera idea - easy to set one up and you will have pictures of the critter. I just set two of them up outside yesterday. Deer are headed into the rut and I am hoping to see if we have any bucks coming around. Not to shoot - they are just so secretive compared to the does and fawns. One of our neighbors sets his up whenever they are out of town so he can see if anyone came around while they were away, so you could use it for something like that after you capture the critter.

    1. Tile would have been nice in there. The house, being pier and beam, 'moves' so much during dry and wet periods that I think the tile would just be cracked all the time. I really think I want one of those cams now. That would be so much fun around the property. I need to read up on them and see how they work and how long they record, etc. I guess just when motion? That would work.

  8. Life in the country, never a dull moment!
    Good luck catching it!
    What good neighbours you have.

    1. SO TRUE! As we are quickly learning, ha.

      Yes, they are super awesome, pretty much 'family' so ti's great. Plus they know we are still learning and they've been out there 20 years (though in 20 years they've never had this problem). Thanks!!!

  9. I had a grass rat enter my screened porch. He/she make themselves very comfortable by shredding what they could find to begin a nest under the deep freezer. We live trapped it.

    I fear this may be a sign of rough winter ahead. Different animals look for a good place to winter. They appear to be looking earlier than usual.

    I keep DeCon is places our pets can access. It's cruel but it's the only way to win, I think.

    1. Grass rat? Dang, there are all sorts of rats aren't there? I've heard about that, having animals coming in earlier means a harsh winter. I hope not!!!

  10. Oh I feel faint...weasels and rats I can't deal with.
    Jane x

    1. The experience in person was unnerving as well, ha. I'll warn you before the next rat post, ha.

  11. I am about 850 miles away and it gave me the heebie jeebies. UGH!!! How upsetting and creepy!! Um, not to be the voice off doom and gloom, but...what if it is more than 1 of whatever THAT is? Maybe it is time to call in an exterminator? You know so THEY can crawl and poke into all the scary places. eeeek. Can you match your flooring or will it need replaced? Of course not until this issue is solved.

    1. You know, when I saw this, after i was mad, the hair stood up on my neck and arms. Once again I was affair something was behind the shower curtain or inside sink's creepy to open cabinet doors, ha.

      Flooring will have to be replaced, unfortunately. It''s just inexpensive sheet vinyl but it will have to be done. UGH.

      Pest Control...yep, this is the last resort. We figure it's all part of learning to handle the things out there and do what we can ourselves. But yes, if this doesn't work, the pros are the next call...

  12. Why do I want to say...."run ...don't look back...just run.." That is too an exterminator....

    1. I hear ya. This is our last shot before calling in the pros....'run' was a thought that did flash through my mind.

  13. Get a Jack Russell Terrier. You'll know if a leaf blows by,but it'll take on anything on 4 (or no) legs.. No poisons,please. They kill the first animal,then whatever eats that and whatever eats that.. on and on.

    1. Ha, I had a friend growing up that had a Jack Russell and you're right he barked at everything and was the bravest little dog I ever saw. I hear ya!

  14. We live out in the country too and have had to deal with mice. One thing that we've found is that mice HATE peppermint. I would think your big ole rat would too; it's a very strong smell for them. I spray it around the doors and put it on cotton balls in the attic. (insert in jars with holes pierced in the tops so they don't try to use it to nest) I have to reapply every two to three weeks, but they seem to avoid our house. I know that mice are known to chew on wiring, but this is the first time I've seen the buggers chew on flooring!!! What great neighbors you have to help out. Good luck getting rid of the critter(s)!

    1. I've heard that too but I always wondered if it's true and actually worked. I like your idea of jars with holes pierced in it. Great idea. I might have to just try that. And yes, our neighbors are pretty awesome. Thanks for stopping by!!

  15. 1st Man,

    Seems like an awful amount of damage to be just mice. I'm thinking it could be a racoon probably getting things together for a winter home for it's self. What did you put in the trap to get the critter to come inside?

    1. My boss (and a few above) said the same thing. I have no idea how it's getting in but it's definitely possible. Dry cat food in the trap, in a small bowl inside the trap.

  16. Last year, late one evening, I headed down to the basement to switch out the laundry, and waddling away from me when I got down there was a possum! I was able to close a door to that room, and we set a live trap like yours. In the morning (after very little sleep), when the trap was bare, my husband agreed that we needed to call in the professionals. Jake, the critter guy, found a broken window in the basement that we never knew existed. The window was under our deck, and not visible in the basement due to a drop ceiling. In a couple of days, the possum was caught, the window covered with sheet metal, and sleep resumed. I can only say that the money was well worth it, as we may have never found where this critter was getting in. This year we had a skunk decide to take up residence under our front porch. It finally left when it decided that the loud music from a radio I set on the porch was not to it's liking. Country living!


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