
Sunday, October 12, 2014


Vegetables of War, vintage poster image, courtesy of NYPublicLibrary
This is a really cool poster image.  For those with monitors that make it hard to read the printing on the image, I'll re-quote it here because it's so fascinating.  

"More Health and Strength for a Nation at War is the War Cry of America's Southwest.  In this land of golden sunshine and fertile fields grow tons upon tons of vitamin-rich vegetables.  Many of its fields are producing one, two, three, and even four crops each year -- our Vegetables of War.  To you of the Southwest who are asking more and getting more from your acres than ever before -- thanks, from all of us!  Keep up the good work that means better nutrition for America's fighters and workers."

It was put out by Santa Fe railroad lines, which I would presume hauled a lot of that produce to other parts of the country.  We love the way they talked about the 'vitamin-rich vegetables' and equating it to better nutrition for fighters and workers.  Seems like ad campaigns today don't focus so much on the nutritional benefits of vegetables.

While this posts, we're at the farm, hopefully back in time tonight for a quick update, so check in later.


  1. Firstly, good morning! This post came in as I was leaving my comments on the last one. I think this is a great poster and there is definitely something special about the wording. I think perhaps the nutrition part reflects a healthier time. It wouldn't have been such a 'take away' society then.

    1. You know that's probably so true. It was a healthier time then. Probably, sadly, wouldn't happen like this today...

  2. Beautiful poster of rows of beautiful produce. You find such great posters! They give an insight to the mind-set of those previous generations.
    I love the focus on nutrition in this poster - something that our modern world
    could take a cue from.

    1. It's a neat image huh? the artists really pulled together great artwork for these posters.


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