
Saturday, November 29, 2014


We thought we'd let the pictures share the story of some good food on Thanksgiving Day...

 Turkey prepped...oiled, seasoned and ready to go...

Rolls rising, Brussels sprouts ready...

A new dressing recipe that 2nd Man just made up on his own...

Giblet gravy (mashed potatoes missed their closeup)...

Turkey came out beautifully...14 lbs, 1 hour cook time...

Stuffing was moist and delicious...

Brussels sprouts caramelized with bacon...

Golden yeast rolls...

Turkey was juicy and tender...

The plate was full..and there was only one place for the cranberry sauce, plopped down in the middle.  There was wine and of course pie, but more on those in future posts.

This is not the plate for someone who doesn't like their food to touch...or maybe we just need bigger plates! LOL!

Food comas quickly ensued...followed by naps...



  1. That looks good. I didn't host this year so no leftovers for us. We had our first Thanksgiving dinner in NH on Sunday at daughter's then Thursday's in VA with extended family. Counting down now to a big wedding of second daughter in one month's time!

    1. That's nice having a couple of thanksgiving celebrations, it's like leftovers, only fresh, ha.

      Congrats on the wedding, I bet you are excited!!

  2. Wow whee was a feast it was for you both, happy turkey day very late..We had a feast my hubs picked up at the market already completely done..I also picked up a frozen bird for a salvation army family a big one and I defrosted it via water soaking and changing the water, it went to the place to give to the family completely thawed ready to roast, the family was so thankful..Isn't that what thanksgiving is all about..I love your blog, always get different ideas on how to live happily! May your soon to be Hanukkah and Christmas and New Years eve and New Year be filled with many hours of joy, love and peace..ciao!

    1. Wow, that is so awesome of you. I was telling 2nd Man and we just might have to do that next year. What a great idea. And thank you for the kind words, all of our joy love and peace back to you as well!!

  3. you just made me hungry! your food looks fabulous! i would like that gravy!

    1. Well coming from you and your amazing food, we'll take that as a compliment. ;-) The gravy was great. 2nd Man makes a mean gravy for just about anything!

  4. How did you manage to cook a fourteen pound turkey in one hours?

    1. I will have to blog about that. Yep, one hour. It's pretty amazing.

  5. Yum, Yum, YUM!! I drooled over you pictures and wished I was shovelling in mouthfuls of turkey and all the rest instead of my vegemite muffins.

    1. LOL! I can honestly say I've never had vegemite. Might have to try that one day. :-)

  6. Yummy!!
    You have such beautiful meals I am sure 2nd man is a secret chef as he seems to do most of the cooking. Too hot over here to cook all that now although I miss it from my UK childhood.
    Continue having a wonderful weekend.

    1. Oh, I shouldn't let him read this, it will go to his head, haha. He does love to cook, and I do as well but hey, if he wants to, I'll let him, ha. thank you for the nice words!

  7. Replies
    1. Thank you! And happy thanksgiving to you!!! I'm sure you had some great food too.

  8. Everything you made looks delicious. Far better than anything a high end restaurant could make. I have never had an issue about food touching & believe me, with all the beautiful dishes you cooked, my plate would have been just as full as the one in your last photo. You guys aren't too shabby when it comes to preparing a feast. Hope the kitties got some turkey bird too. Your whole Thanksgiving meal could not have been more perfect. Maybe you should think about opening a B&B. With food like that, you would be booked years in advance.

    1. Thanks again. Oh no, another comment that will go to his heal, lol. I had a friend growing up that couldn't let his food touch. And he would eat all of one thing first, then all of the next thing, etc. Odd.

      A B&B? Hmm, that would be an interesting experience, ha.

      Thanks for the compliment I WILL make sure he sees the comments. :-)

  9. I would think that a 14 lb turkey would take longer to cook. Do you have a magic oven? All the food looks delicious multiplied by the touching factor to make it scrumptious.

    1. One hour, no special oven, ha. I will do a blog post about that, a few of you have asked here and a couple have emailed me directly.

      Thank you for sweet comment. You are always so special!


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