
Thursday, December 11, 2014


Muscadine Grape Trellis, image courtesy of
We are in the preliminary stages of finding a location on the farm for the muscadine grapevines that we bought last year and have been babying in containers in the city.  We saw this online a couple years back (even before we had the vines) and like the simplicity of something like this.  

Not sure ours will be this size but what we are sketching up on paper may end up being fairly similar.  So many projects on the list but this one has to be near the top so that we can get the grapevines started on their journey next Spring when it's time to plant them.  

Be inspired!


  1. You could almost use them as a screen...if there was something you wanted to hide. Have you used Google Maps (or a drone with camera!) to get an overhead view of your property? For planning purposes? just a thought :)

  2. i like this idea! the birds will like it too. they will have somewhere to live while they eat the grapes! haha!

  3. Around here, the grape arbors were square of rectangular. Mine was 9' x 18'. However, it seems like now people mostly have the rows as in the picture. You can use pretty white posts, cedar posts, or metal, green, fence post, the metal kind. My cedar has been here since 1977 that I know of, however, the grape vine has been here since the house was built in 1912. I don't know how long before 1977 that the cedar was in the ground. They have a rustic look because the are just cedar poles.

    They need plenty of sun. The house behind me never cleans up anything as it is rental property with owner who spends not one dime more than he must. A volunteer maple was on his property, just over the fence. That was in about 1979, just after it became rental property. Now, it towers over my arbor, reducing the yield. If I had snipped off the volunteer when it was only a twig, I have might have better harvests.

    The guy who built the place had all grey water go out across the yard in a buried pipe. I could see the green line in the yard from house to arbor, where he directed water. So, you might consider having the arbor close enough to send gray water that way or have drip irrigation. I don't know how it is supposed to be waterwise for grapes, but this worked in this climate and at this house.

    Study how to prune grapes. I pruned too late in the winter and the vines "cried" sap all summer. I was so sorry for what I had done. There were few grapes that year.

  4. Recently I sat under a vine-covered trellis on Amelia Island. It was beautiful.


  5. Our place has a gazebo type structure that has a grape vine growing up the centre post. There are four outside posts with mess over the top of the structure, this is what the 'body' of the grapes rest on. The tendrils then overhang all sides. It is roughly 2.5 x 2.5 metres. We let the birds and possums have their fill as there is always plenty for us as well. The grapes themselves would be perfect for wine making but as our palate is more dessert wine, our use is limited to grape jam or a bit of juice. Our house is solar passive and the vine is outside our bedroom windows. This gets full sun in summer (though shaded by the verandah) and winter but in summer we are cooled by the vines. The shade underneath the structure is very cool and it is such a picture with the grapes hanging down.

  6. I like the simple design of this. It will be easy to attend to the grapes and easy to mow around.
    Are these Muscadine related to our wild mustang grapes?


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