
Wednesday, December 10, 2014


So this past weekend, if you can believe, I had to mow one more time.  I lowered the mower deck to 1.5" level and made a pass around everything.  It definitely needed a trimming and now, as it goes dormant for Winter, it will at least look uniform.

Mowing the front yard
Above and below are photos of the front yard from two different angles.  Lots to mow here but even though it was a cool and overcast day, it was a good day to get it all done and now the Zen Machine is finally put up for the season.

The front yard
We had never noticed before, but this particular mesquite tree, the one we named "Ginger", turns a beautiful yellow in the Fall (Winter?). 

Mesquite Tree changing in Fall
It's pretty much the only "Fall Foliage" we get around here, so we'll take it.

Bird Nest in Tree
And as I as mowing, I saw this bird nest high up in a tree.  Without all the leaves, it's easier to spot these around the property.  This one I believe was empty, perhaps even long abandoned, but it is still a fun thing to see.

All this reminds me that the season is over and we're just waiting for the long cold days to settle in.  Time to start planning for next year!


  1. It all looks very neat & tidy for winter (fall!!).
    Maybe a bird will be looking out for another glove to put in the bird nest next year!!

    1. Thank you! And yes, I bet there will be another bird (or the same one, ha) will be watching for the match, ha.

  2. Don't forget to put Sta-Bil in your mower, if you have any gas it the tank. Crank it at least once or twice over the winter. Just like you would for a generator. You won't believe how much this can help on maintenance.

    1. Yes, definitely. We buy one that comes in a blue bottle, I can't remember the name but it's great stuff isn't it? And I will definitely fire it up a couple times. Heck, if I Winter isn't TOO cold at times, I will be using the mower with the cart to do some projects around the property. Take advantage of cool weather, cause we know it ain't happening in the Summer, ha.

  3. Great job on putting your yard to rest for its long winter nap! I love the large mown areas - they are invitations for some great walking and exploring.
    I wonder if ‘Ginger’ is a different species of mesquite with that lovely yellow color.
    I love the surprises to be found in trees after their leaves drop, like that bird nest. You might even find your bird-stolen glove now!

    1. You know, as I looked across at the mesquites scattered around I saw a few others with yellow leaves and them some still with green leaves. I bet they are different varieiteis. Him, that makes me think I should go label them (even if just as "yellow fall leaf" "green fall leaf") so that I can eventually figure out the variety of mesquite. Thanks for the idea!

  4. The yard guy mowed for the last time this year about two weeks ago. I'm happy to report that all of my new plants are still alive.


    1. That's ALWAYS a good day, ha. And don't you love the look of a freshly mown lawn? So clean and peaceful in a way.

  5. I am always intrigued by the bird nests in the oaks, hickory, and smaller trees in the fall. I often just go out and look at the now-abandoned nests, thinking back to the alarms from the birds as I or cats are about in my yard. Long ago I would take the nests from the low branches of bushes and my friends who owned gift shops would pay good money for them. Climbing even a ladder was out. Nests had to be in reach as I stood on the ground.

    It is intriguing to see what materials birds use in their nests.


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