
Monday, January 19, 2015


It's that time of year.  

We never really like to make resolutions, we just create lists.  A resolution just makes you have some big grand plans and then you have more chance to just let them slip away without getting done.  

A list is just that.  A list.  And if you can do something and cross it off the list, that's a good thing.  This weekend, while it was nice for the first time this year, we decided to roam around and just think of everything we want to do.  

These lists may seem long and lots of work, and while some are, there are other items that can be done over a day or two.  Maybe even a rainy weekend inside will let us finish a couple.  Others will take a few weekends to accomplish.  And yet others are ongoing projects that we're always working on.  Some of the big ones are things we won't do ourselves but have to hire out (the roof for example) but still more only require a few simple tools or a can of paint.

So here is this year's list of what we want to accomplish
(in NO particular order)


Clear out the spot and create the fire pit/ring and sitting area

Dining area under Barnabas (the party tree) including table, seating and lighting

Trees/brush removed behind house and side yard Done 04/04

Add on to the lone fence post at end of driveway

Wash the mildew off the back of the house Done 1/26

New roof on house

Large barn or shed for workshop and storage  Done 2/12

Small shed for the Zen Machine and other gardening tools Done 2/13

Install the campground BBQ grills we bought

Beehives and bees Done 4/18

Water to other side of fenced garden area Done 01/16

Drip irrigation plan for all the raised beds

Amend the soil in raised beds (postponed to Fall)

Gutters on the house

Rain barrels of some type

Clean all the junk off the porch Done 2/03

Buy and plant more fruit/nut trees 

Plant vegetables and herbs in raised beds (postponed to 2016)

Plant sweet potatoes in containers with new soil blend

Build flower beds along front of garden fence

Build flower beds along front and side of house

Build corner flower bed between stairs Done 03/30

Put the muscadine grapes in the ground with trellis

Windmill (decorative)


more landscaping around house and property, random and ongoing


New shelves in kitchen to replace open cabinets

New shelves in bathroom Done 3/07

Repair and paint water heater closet in bathroom

Replace all light bulbs inside and out with LED bulbs

Door curtains in rest of doorways in house Done 5/16

Organize mudroom/pantry

Organize craft supplies in sitting area of bedroom

New shelves above craft supplies cabinet in sitting area Done 3/07

Bulletin board wall in sitting area of bedroom

Paint several items of furniture

Curtain room divider between bedroom/craft area

Continue stocking up on emergency supplies (ongoing)

Organize the books in the bookcases

Chalkboard door in dining room


more decorating projects around house, random and ongoing

Yikes, looking at them, it seems like a lot.  Some are already underway (the bees for example, they are ordered, and the hives are here, just waiting to set them up and for the bees to arrive in the Spring).  Others have parts ready and waiting to be done (i.e. we have some of the shelves, just need to put them up).  And still others, we've almost saved up for and are almost ready to pull the trigger and have someone come do it.

But hey, they either get done (hopefully of course) or they don't.  If they don't, we don't sweat the small stuff.  Our farm journey is a just that, a journey, and as with all journeys, they evolve over time.  They evolve as the weather changes things, as nature changes things, as finances change things, and of course as energy/stamina and/or health changes things.

We're going to keep referring back to this as we do them.  I'll come back and edit this post and scratch something off the list.


  1. wowsa, thats some list, sounds wonderful!!!
    hope you wrote in pencil, lol, easier to erase!!!

    1. No pencil but since it's committed to cyberspace, I can use the delete key, LOL!

  2. that is one very ambitious list! glad it isn't mine! haha!

    1. It was just sort of everything we'd like to do if we can. And really most are feasible over the course of a year. For example, I could knock out the shelves in the bathroom in a few hours. And cleaning the mildew shouldn't take too long, things like that.

  3. I like that some items on the list are things that can be done, but don't feel like work, like rearranging books. Okay, that's work, but not like washing the house or installing bbq grills.

    1. True, we just tried to think of things we wanted to do, easy and hard. We'll see what happens. :-)

  4. You’ve got some great things on your list. It really does give you such a sense of accomplishment to draw that line through a completed item.
    I like your attitude that it’s flexible and things will get done when they get done. After all, you gotta have some time to just sit on the porch and enjoy your beautiful Farm!

    1. I can't WAIT to draw the first line, ha. I'm going to post this as a permanent link on the side so we can keep up with it. And yes, flexibility is the best part. We'll take out plenty of time to sit and enjoy and get away from the city.

  5. Like you, we have so many things to get done. We haven't made our list yet but have already accomplished a couple of things that would be on it if we had. Maybe I'll make it just so I can cross those off ;)

    1. Hey, make the list now and cross off what you can. That's a good thing. We just wanted to make a list of everything we'd like to do and then see how much we can get to.

  6. Just when I thought I'd reached the end of your list you started up again 'INSIDE'. You'll never be missing a purpose in life.

    1. LOL! We had to make it somewhat manageable, ha. We figure the 'inside' can be done on upcoming cold days, Spring rainy days, and the dog days of Summer, ha.

  7. I think that list is a great idea. My husband and I often talk about all the things that need doing or the things that we would like to do but that's as far as it goes. I think making a list makes it feel like something is actually going to get done. It's like a positive, active step forward. Think I'll go grab a pen and paper......

    1. We just figured we'd write down as much as we could and then see what we could do. We hope that as we cross off a few, it will inspire us to keep going. Time will tell!!

  8. Well there is 2015 organised for you!
    I also make lists for the year & it was great in January crossing off what had been achieved last year & think of a new one.
    I also do small lists for the month which keeps me on my toes! Glutton for lists!!

    1. We haven't done one like this in years past, but I think this will be a good thing. I like your idea of small to do lists too. We might have to think about that too. I hope we get to see the list mostly done at the end of the year, ha. Thanks!!

  9. When we bought our farm, I made up the 5 - year plan (they call me queen of the spreadsheets). We have added to it each year, and take tremendous satisfaction in crossing the completed things off the list.

    1. We KIND OF had a 5 year plan but it was pretty vague, ha. I will have to take that to heart and maybe see what we can come up. Thanks!!!

  10. YIKES! I'm tired already just reading it! Good Luck and if you still have some steam left you can come on over to Lancaster, PA and help me with my chores LOL!

  11. 1st Man,

    Now there's a list of things to do for 2015. I hope you're able to accomplish everything :-)

    1. As long as it seems, er, IS, it's pretty manageable. Time will tell. We're what, 20 days in now? Losing a month already, ha.

  12. can't wait to follow your journey!

    1. Well thank you for that. I'm going to post this on the side bar and update it regularly. We figure a list will help us stay focused, ha. Thank you for the kind words!

  13. Sounds like quite the list! I hope you are able to accomplish everything on it!

    1. Thank you! It does look pretty intimidating but we think we can do it...over the course of the year. :-)


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