
Monday, February 2, 2015


With supposedly just one day of nice weather this weekend, (Sunday ended up staying dry and warm after all) we decided that Saturday would be porch cleaning day at the farm.  

Another thing checked off THE LIST for 2015 projects.

We took everything off the porch and put it in the yard.  I hosed it all off and then swept the porch.  Then we stood back to figure out what goes where.  

So we had this blank space...

Porch blank space
...and a while back, we found this small stand/table on clearance at the local big box hardware store.  It's made for outside use and has tiles that fit in the top.  It actually looks like a sideboard.  There is a rack for wine glasses on the left side and wine bottles on the right and then a large middle shelf.  On the bottom is a bin of some sort, but we're not sure what to use it for.  

Hampton Bay outdoor table
So I cleaned it all up and we put it in the empty spot...

It fit perfectly and it looks great!  

I put a cast iron candle holder and a couple other things on top and then put the clay pots on either side.  I need to figure out what to plant in them that won't have to watered on a daily basis (or maybe use one of those things that stick in a pot and provide dripping water for a few days).  It will also have to be shade tolerant.  Either way, we are happy that's it's looking less cluttered and more clean and organized. 

Porch with rockers
We even washed and cleaned up the rockers, though since they came with the house, they might need to be replaced at some point.  They are old and very used and while they may look good in a photo, the paint is starting to peel and they have some loose wood in places.  For now though, they'll work fine.  

And the porch looks better.

I forgot to get a photo of the other end, but it's more or less empty and ready for some more furniture.  Our porch is 36' long and 10' deep with all of it fully covered.  There is another blank space between two kitchen windows where we are thinking of some sort of armoire that could store outside stuff.  

For those with porches, any "must have" suggestions?


  1. i've been keeping my eyes open for an outdoor piece for my guest house porch. it seems weird that you were hosing your porch down as we have been chipping ice off our patio for days. one ice storm after another this winter!

    1. Ha, isn't that crazy how that works? We are cold again now (and rainy) but no ice. Thankfully!

  2. I've been looking for a primitive hutch for many years to put on my porch to replace a small shelf unit. Need more storage. I should send you shopping for it. You seem to find so many nice things. As to your porch, do you have a place to eat? Small table and two chairs?

    1. LOL! Thank you for that. Oh, I hear ya on the primitive hutch, that's what I was thinking of for the porch. I'll keep you posted. :-) As for table, I never thought about that, I mean, it makes sense, not sure what that never crossed our mind. Thanks!!!

  3. This may not be the answer, but I like easily movable chairs so company can sit where they please, moving chairs about.

    1. Now that's a great idea. Maybe some that stackable chairs in a corner. Thanks!

  4. Looks great. I like when things are nice & tidy but sometimes life gets in the way & things don't always get put back where they belong.

    1. Amen to that! We're hoping that since we aren't there on a daily basis (for now of course) that we'll be able to keep it manageable. We'll see, ha.

  5. Storage for cushions, etc... is definitely a must have; beats hauling them in and out of the house. As for the bottom of your wine stand; why not fill it with coir and some potting soil, then filling it with begonias, coleus, and other colourful shade lovers?

    1. Yes, that's sort of what we were thinking, cushions, outdoor dinnerware, oil lamps, etc.

      Cool idea of the stand, thanks!!

  6. maybe look for some interesting rocks and twigs from around your property to display. also a nice glass bowl filled with shards of different coloured glass would look great, too. another idea - ask your readers to send you small jars of sand from all over the world - that would be cool. i would definitely send you guys some sand from our morrison's beach. email me if you would like some.

    much love to the both of you! your friend,

    1. Oh, I love how your mind works. I have often thought of dirt, soil, sand from around the world. What a fun think that would be. I do have an idea for that though, if I can ever get around to it, ha. I like the rocks and twigs idea too. Thanks!!! Luv to you both!

  7. 1st Man,

    Looks great!!! How about planting a Cactus or two, they don't require much attention.

    1. The porch (at least against that wall) is fairly deeply shaded of the day, do you think that would be enough light? I like cactus, thanks!!

  8. I love your find! I'm sure you will find a use for the bottom part. As for your pots, perhaps you could fill them decorative pebbles and place one of those life-like fake plants in it. I have a large pot out the front which is filled with soil and topped with small white pebbles. Half buried in the pebbles are swirly patterns with other stones. I have spring/summer bulbs planted and a beautiful fairy in the midst. This way when the plant dies off there is still decoration there. The pattern idea came from one of your posts on a beautiful path. I liked it that much I made note of the date (2.1.14). As usual, a photo speaks louder than words, look to your email!

    1. You are awesome. Thank you so much, lovely idea. I think it's great to have something that has something pretty waiting for when something else is not blooming...Thank you!!

  9. Looking good. Looking very good. Those chairs look tempting too.

  10. Nice porch. I like your table. Philodendrons are easy care plants.

    Don't you dare get rid of those rockers, repair and repaint. They are perfect.

    1. You are right, repair and repaint. You are right, need to do that! And philodendrons, thanks for the suggestion, they are pretty green too.

  11. your porch is looking great.
    For your pots I would suggest Succulents, which are drought-tolerant

    1. Thank you and succulents are great suggestions. Definitely drought tolerant, right, ha

  12. Yay! I love the feeling of having things clean!

    1. Isn't it nice? It's almost like a weight has been lifted. Of course, next Spring, it will be dirty again I'm sure, ha. At least it's de-cluttered now. :-)

  13. Y’all did a great job! The new shelf table is perfect for that area.
    Ice plants would be good - they are succulents with red or pink blooms and would not need water during the week -
    Or different kinds of mint? It’s shade tolerant, fragrant, and fun to pick your own flavor of leaf for iced tea. I have my mint in pots on my north-facing front porch and they do well there. A drip-watering container would self-water during the week.
    Love those rockers! Restore them and keep on rockin’!

    1. Oooh, now mint is a good idea, love the idea of having it right there eon the porch. And yep, the rockers will be added to my furniture painting list. :-) Thanks for the tip, like the mint idea.

  14. I agree with Texas Rose on them rockers; keep and restore them.......
    'You're never to old to Rock and Roll'

    Worrying is like a rocking chair.
    It gives you something to do but
    it doesn't get you anywhere.

    1. I like that! That would make a great sign on the porch wouldn't it? Thanks!!

  15. Hens and Chickens. Plant idea for the pots. On the porch. If you don't have something in them already that is. You can't have a farm house in the country without some hens and chickens or as my mother called them, hens and widdies.

  16. How about a hammock or a daybed in one area and a dining area close to your kitchen. Any plans to screen in an area of your porch? A lovely old screen door leaned up against the house wall, and perhaps an indoor-outdoor rug and or runners in your favorite colors. Have fun decorating!


  17. Amen.....those beautiful rockers have history and deserve to be preserved if they were well crafted when new.
    If you are lacking good carpentry skills you could ask around locally for a good craftsman who takes pride in his quality work. They will be getting a lot of use in the years to come,


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