
Sunday, February 1, 2015


This poster is from WWII.  The Victory Garden campaign aimed to get people growing gardens at home.  There was also a Victory Farm programs which recruited teens to work on larger farms that generated more food for more people. This poster was placed in schools, asking young people to ask their Scout Master about being a volunteer on a Victory Farm.  

Love the tag line "Do Work That Counts!"

That makes me wonder, do the Boy Scouts today do any sort of gardening badge?  I would hope so.  It would be so neat if more schools taught gardening to young kids.

Rain is coming today, staying in town and getting some things done here and of course tonight is the Superbowl.  

Yesterday was a good day at the farm, updates later!

Superbowl Sunday!


  1. "Do work that counts!"

    I wonder how many youth today would work without tangible benefits.

    1. You know, that's a great point. Sad, but a great point.

  2. Over here Stephanie Alexander.started the Kitchen Garden Foundation & schools grow their vegetables & learn to cook with them. My granddaughters school in Sydney has one & they used to love showing me what was growing when I visited. It is a great idea.

    1. Wow, that is SO awesome. I wish someone would do that here. I need to do some research on that program and see how it started. Thank you!

  3. We should put all those baggy pantsed, purple haired, nose ringed do nothings that hang around the sidewalks day and night to work on some farms. It would do us ALL some good lol.

    1. LOL! I love the way you think, ha. It's funny, 2nd Man and I will see them and we always go "where do they WORK, or where will they EVER work looking like that?" Hey, farms and gardens don't care how you look, ha.

  4. Working in the garden ALWAYS counts. Hard work - which brings huge rewards.

  5. Can't wait to get my veggie garden up and running. And as I say that I'm looking out the window and we are getting MORE SNOW! UGH!

    1. I know, we have no snow but it's cold and rainy and we are anxious to get started too. Stay warm!!!

  6. I've been listening to the aircraft land at Deer Valley Airport all morning. They'll probably be as loud when they leave this evening or in the morning. It has been sunny here and so welcomed after the 1-1/2 days of nice slow rain. Everything is so nice & clean and not dusty. The ground is perfect for working and believe me, I was out there using the muscle. Have a great evening and fabulous week.

    1. I bet it's been busy. I'm glad you all got the rain, I know it's welcome!

  7. Another great poster. Not sure the boys would be allowed to drive the tractors anymore!

  8. Sorry to hear your team didn't win. I don't care for football too much, but watched the game for the company :)

    1. Thank you, bummer but it was a good game. Not big football fans here, but do enjoy all the hoopla surrounding it..

  9. I sure enjoy seeing these old posters.
    ? 4 U. I was wondering why I always receive your newsletter a day late. Not just the Sunday Newsletter but all of them. I received this Sunday Newsletter @ 5:06AM this morning (Monday)

    I'm a Big football fan and was so hoping for the Seahawks would take home the win.

    1. Thanks!!! Hmm, not sure about the newsletter. It's an automated thing by blogger, I will have to see how that works. Maybe there is a setting I can change. Thanks for the heads up.

      And yeah, bummer about the Seahawks. They had it, stupid call in the last play....ha.


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