
Saturday, February 21, 2015


NO, not that kind of moving!  (but someday!)
Nope, we're off to the farm, before the weather takes a turn...

Red Barn Roof Line
...and from the house in town, we have a full load of stuff to take out to the new buildings, including the (empty) beehives and the various other bee related things we've been purchasing along the way (more on those things soon) as well as some large boxes currently taking up space in the guest room.  Once we get there, we also plan to get all the gardening/outdoor related items out of the mudroom...and the kitchen...and the closets...and off the porch...well, you get the picture.  Those things seem to multiply exponentially when they have no home.  NOW they have a home!  

Hope you are having a good start to the weekend!  
More later when we get back into town.  We just need to beat the rain and looks like Winter is about to come roaring back to our area.


  1. Not so much 'moving day' as 'shuffling day' lol.

    1. I like that description better, shuffling is much more accurate, ha.

  2. How exciting to have a place to put all those cool and needed things. Our neighborhood restricts even storage sheds and animals. Our city approved chickens a few years ago. I would love to have 4 hens and a barn shaped coop but our HOA already warned us through a newsletter that just because the city approved it doesn't mean our rules have changed. I will continue to garden and even plant those dreaded sunflowers they don't like either! Really?? a sunflower!

    1. The farm is in the country, we have no restrictions, thankfully, ha. I'm sorry about the HOA rules, sometimes they can be so unyielding. Sunflowers? Those are against the rules? Wow....I hope you get the things you want one of these days, keep up the good fight!

  3. I got chickens even though it was against the rules. Get the hens a Rubbermaid box to live in. Mine do. Hens are so much fun.

    1. A rubbermaid box? That's kinda cool, hadn't heard of that. Thankfully, 2nd Family (at the other end of the property) have chickens and we get to live vicariously through theirs, for now, ha.

  4. Sounds like you got your work cut out for you today.
    I am so tired of these cold temperatures. I am so ready for Spring. Sleet in the forecast for all day Monday and freezing temperatures for Sun. evening onto Tuesday and then get a small break and then it start with the cold again.
    It's just like riding a roller coaster.and I hate to think what that will do to my roses that have new growth on them already

    1. Spring can't get here soon enough. Lots of stuff here in bloom too. The weather is so crazy this season.

  5. Hot hot here!
    A place for everything & everything in its place. Have fun!

    1. Hot? We'll be hot soon enough, ha. A place for everything and everything in its place, I have always like that phrase! So true!

  6. I wonder when you're done if you will say, "Damn, should have got the bigger size!" I hope, for your sake, you stand back and say "Wow, look at all the space we still have to fill!" LOL

    1. LOL, that is a possibility, but hopefully not for awhile, ha. We DO still have a lot of space, a LOT, so that's good. ;-)

  7. i hope you can move out there full-time some day! :)

    1. Oh, we will. It's our retirement place, we're hoping sooner rather than later but it's good we can go out there and work on things and get it just right. We can't wait!!!

  8. Hot and humid here - 34c at the moment.
    Bees? Now there's something for me to consider for the future.
    Keep warm and I hope you get there before the rain set in.

    1. Hello!!!! We'll be hot and humid in a few months (probably bout the time you are getting cold ha.) Bees, it's a first of us so stay tuned! :-) Nice to hear from you (and I owe you an email, will do that soon).


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